Latest modifications September 13, 1998

Looking Backward ranked 2670th on the list of the 2789 best S.F./Fantasy books, as computed by USENET votes, in October 1996.

Since then it has moved down in the charts. In June 1997 it was 2778th of the top 3041. As of May 31, 1998 it is 2946th of the top 3430. It has received a total of over 2 votes.

It is among the oldest listed.

Full current list: ./top100ftp.txt as of May 1998.

excerpts below [with comments by a Hell's Bibliophile]:

 No |            Title                  | Cat |        Author    | Score | Ave |   Dist   | #votes
   1  Lord of the Rings                           J.R.R. Tolkien      8.81  8.81 0000000015 (879) 
   2  Ender 's Game                         S1    Orson Scott Card    8.54  8.54 .000000124 (753) 
   3  Gormenghast                           S2    Mervyn Peake        8.48  8.26 0.0.000114 (38) 
   4  Mirror Dance                                Lois M. Bujold      8.41  8.43 ....0.1222 (75) 
   5  the White Rose                        S3    Glen Cook           8.38  8.60 .....01132 (30) 
   6  Tigana                                      Guy G. Kay          8.36  8.39 0.00000123 (179) 
   7  Dune                                  S1    Frank Herbert       8.36  8.36 .000000123 (760) 
   8  the Lions of Al-Rassan                      Guy G. Kay          8.35  8.76 ....0.1233 (51) 
   9  a Clockwork Orange                          Anthony Burgess     8.32  8.46 .....00321 (52) 
  10  Men at Arms                           S15   Terry Pratchett     8.30  8.32 .0...01231 (71) 
  11  Hyperion                              S1    Dan Simmons         8.29  8.30 0.0.001123 (378) 
  12  Flowers for Algernon                        Daniel Keyes        8.26  8.26 ..00001213 (123) 
    [ a book that appears on high school reading lists sometimes, the basis for the movie 
      Charlie, the basic idea also appearing in the recent (1996) film 
      Phenomenon, starting John Travolta, which, oddly, could be used as 
      crypto-Scientology propaganda. "Clear"]
  13  the Stars my Destination                    Alfred Bester       8.23  8.20 ....000122 (192) 
  14  Watership Down                              Richard Adams       8.23  8.32 0.0.000132 (62) 
  15  Lord of Light                               Roger Zelazny       8.21  8.21 ...0000114 (201) 
* 19  Alice in Wonderland                         Lewis Carroll       8.18  8.14 ..0.002112 (65) 
  20  the Gap into Madness                  S4    Stephen Donaldson   8.18  8.07 00..000221 (57) 
  28  True Names                                  Vernor Vinge        8.15  8.17 ...0001212 (48) 
  29  the Golden Apple                      S2    R.A.Wilson/R.J.Shea 8.15  8.48 ....010104 (27) 
  33  Something Wicked this Way Comes             Ray Bradbury        8.13  8.10 .0.0.00321 (60) 
  37  the Eye in the Pyramid                S1    R.A.Wilson/R.J.Shea 8.12  8.65 .....10114 (23) 
  38  Leviathan                             S3    R.A.Wilson/R.J.Shea 8.12  8.86 .....1.115 (21) 
  48  1984                                        George Orwell       8.08  8.09 ..00001222 (296) 
      [ "It's not that 1984 isn't coming; it's just behind schedule." ]
  65  a Canticle for Leibowitz                    Walter M. Miller    8.03  8.03 00.0001122 (254) 
            [post-nuclear technology vs. monastic conflict ]
  71  the Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe S1    C.S. Lewis          8.01  8.02 ...0001221 (182) 
  77  More than Human                             Theodore Sturgeon   7.97  7.96 .00..11112 (83) 
  80  Lest Darkness Fall                          L. Sprague de Camp  7.96  7.92 ...0011202 (62) 
    [ the librarian in Lincoln, Montana said L. Sprague de Camp is Theodore Kaczinsky's favorite 
      author.  One of de Camp's (nonfiction) books is mentioned by F.C. in 
*     Industrial Society and Its Future (the unabomber's manifesto)]
  84  Snow Crash                                  Neal Stephenson     7.95  7.97 00.0001222 (234) 
      [ excellent ]
  89  Surveillance                          S1    Julian May          7.94  7.84 0...001221 (50) 
 104  Animal Farm                                 George Orwell       7.90  7.92 ...0012211 (78) 
          [ All-time great satire.]
 129  Cat 's Cradle                               Kurt Vonnegut       7.84  7.92 0.0..02221 (71) 
 135  the Dispossessed                            Ursula Le Guin      7.82  7.85 0000001222 (222) 
 206  I, Robot                              C     Isaac Asimov        7.69  7.69 ..00001221 (284) 
 252  Fahrenheit 451                              Ray Bradbury        7.62  7.63 ..00011211 (217) 
       [filmic treatment by Francois Truaffaut]
 255  do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ?       Philip K. Dick      7.62  7.65 .000001121 (111) 
       [ film version: Blade Runner ]
 272  Brave New World                             Aldous Huxley       7.59  7.61 .0.0001211 (146) 
*275  Through the Looking Glass                   Lewis Carroll       7.58  8.31 ....001212 (26) 
 281  Neuromancer                                 William Gibson      7.57  7.58 0...001122 (377) 
 319  Contact                                     Carl Sagan          7.50  7.56 0..0002111 (62) 
 346  Slaughterhouse 5                            Kurt Vonnegut       7.46  7.47 .000011211 (70) 
 364  the Man in the High Castle                  Philip K. Dick      7.41  7.41 0000001121 (152) 
*373  Frankenstein                                Mary Shelley        7.38  7.45 .0.0011211 (38) 
      [ pretty good for a 19 year old girl ]
 375  2001 : a Space Odyssey                S1    Arthur C. Clarke    7.38  7.39 ..00011220 (203) 
*424  LSD - My Problem Child                      Albert Hofmann      7.28  9.75 .......1.8 (8) 
      [ fiction, or nonfiction?; I guess the 8 people who voted for it are unclear on the concept]
 425  Sirens of Titan                             Kurt Vonnegut       7.27  7.49 0.0..01312 (37) 
 432  Virtual Light                               William Gibson      7.26  7.27 ..00012310 (75) 
 802  the Screwtape Letters                       C.S. Lewis          6.26  7.60 ....112211 (10) 
       [correspondence from the devil to his earthly representative]
1003  Galapagos                                   Kurt Vonnegut       5.65  7.50 ..0..0242. (14) 
1105  Player Piano                                Kurt Vonnegut       5.31  7.36 .....3222. (11) 
*1225 Gulliver 's Travels                         Jonathan Swift      4.94  7.73 ...1.00112 (11) 
1260  the Black Cloud                             Fred Hoyle          4.81  7.44 ...1.1.311 (9) 
      [ like Contact above, about contact with an alien intelligence, 
      by an important astronomer; I don't know if anyone ever called Hoyle "Butt Head Astronomer".]
*1456 a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur 's      Mark Twain          4.22  6.85 00...12011 (13) 
*1670 the Man Who Was Thursday                    G.K. Chesterton     3.62  7.83 .....13111 (6) 
1700  the Glass Bead Game                         Herman Hesse        3.57  8.50 ......4..4 (6) 
      [ For anyone who has not read Hesse, which 27 years ago would have been very few of you 
        of the demographic of those who voted on this list, may I recommend Steppenwolf? 
        "...wholly Germanic, hopelessly dated jumble... Bantam Books brought out a 
        dollar-and-a-quarter [i.e. higher that usual for a paperback] edition of Steppenwolf 
        in September of last year [1969] and sold 360,000 copies in thirty days." Kurt Vonnegut Jr.,
        Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons, p 111. Also Timothy Leary said it was his favorite 
        book. Looking back on my shelf I see that my copy is indeed "Q4789 * $1.25 * A BANTAM BOOK" 
        Bantam edition published September 1969 4th printing.  I did a book report on it in 
        10th grade.]
1817  Hocus Pocus                                 Kurt Vonnegut       3.29  8.60 ......3.13 (5) 
1932  Breakfast of Champions                      Kurt Vonnegut       3.01  6.11 ..1112211. (9) 
2299  Slapstick                                   Kurt Vonnegut       2.15  5.75 ..2..24... (4) 
2611  the Land of Unreason                        L. Sprague de Camp  1.61  6.25 ...4...22. (4) 
2620  Welcome to the Monkey House                 Kurt Vonnegut       1.59  8.00 .......9.. (2) 
2784  the Honorable Barbarian               S4    L. Sprague de Camp  1.32  6.67 .....6.3.. (3) 
*2946 Looking Backward                            Edward Bellamy      1.02  4.00 .33...3... (3) 
       [Bellamy is ahead of Tom Clancy]
3425  Cardinal of the Kremlin                     Tom Clancy          0.01  7.50 ......44.. (2) 
3430  Einstein 's Bridge                          John Cramer         0.01  5.50 ..4....4.. (2) 

Legend has it that Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard had a bet to see who could start a longer lasting religion.

Heinlein's entry was Stranger in a Strange Land, Hubbard's Dianetics. Here you can look at the titles and get a sense of the respective mentalities. Hubbard may be ahead at the moment; seems like fear wins out over love in the short term....

This is well-known to the political and intelligence communities.

 406  Battlefield Earth                           L.R. Hubbard        7.32  7.32 0000002022 (60) 
 709  the Invader 's Plan                   S1    L.R. Hubbard        6.53  6.56 1.00101211 (34) 
 755  Black Genesis                         S2    L.R. Hubbard        6.43  6.48 1..0102.20 (25) 
 848  an Alien Affair                       S4    L.R. Hubbard        6.12  6.26 (19) 
 865  Voyage of Vengeance                   S7    L.R.Hubbard         6.08  6.47 2...2.1020 (17) 
 883  the Enemy Within                      S3    L.R.Hubbard         6.04  6.10 (20) 
 910  Fortune of Fear                       S5    L.R. Hubbard        5.96  6.11 20..1.0020 (18) 
 928  the Doomed Planet                     S10   L.R.Hubbard         5.86  6.24 20..1.0020 (17) 
 958  Death Quest                           S6    L.R. Hubbard        5.78  6.00 20..2.0.30 (19) 
 961  Villainy Victorious                   S9    L.R. Hubbard        5.77  6.20 2...100.3. (15) 
1050  Disaster                              S8    L.R.Hubbard         5.49  5.87 20..1.1.20 (15) 
3049  Final Blackout                              L.R. Hubbard        0.81  8.00 .......9.. (2) 
[many Hubbard fictional works not here listed; see "Scientology" section of your library.]

  17  the Moon is a Harsh Mistress                Robert A. Heinlein  8.19  8.19 ...0001123 (389) 
  62  Expanded Universe                     C     Robert A. Heinlein  8.03  8.44 .....12122 (18) 
  96  Green Hills of Earth                  C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.92  7.90 ....011201 (42) 
 109  the Door into Summer                        Robert A. Heinlein  7.88  7.89 ....011221 (160) 
 130  Time For the Stars                          Robert A. Heinlein  7.83  7.92 ....101301 (36) 
 132  the Rolling Stones                          Robert A. Heinlein  7.83  7.67 0....22120 (33) 
 152  Past Through Tomorrow                 C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.79  7.78 .0.0011202 (77) 
 182  Starman Jones                               Robert A. Heinlein  7.73  7.68 ..0.002310 (37) 
 201  Farmer in the Sky                           Robert A. Heinlein  7.69  7.70 ..0..31111 (27) 
 207  Citizen of the Galaxy                       Robert A. Heinlein  7.69  7.70 ..0.010212 (122) 
 210  Space Cadet                                 Robert A. Heinlein  7.68  7.64 ...0111210 (47) 
 213  the Man who Sold the Moon             C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.68  7.71 ...0002220 (45) 
 218  Red Planet                                  Robert A. Heinlein  7.67  7.61 .00.003101 (36) 
 240  Starship Troopers                           Robert A. Heinlein  7.64  7.65 0..0001212 (265) 
 273  Stranger in a Strange Land                  Robert A. Heinlein  7.59  7.60 0000001122 (359) 
 282  Sixth Column                                Robert A. Heinlein  7.57  7.50 00.0011103 (40) 
 290  the Menace from Earth                 C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.55  7.70 ....122.11 (20) 
 302  Have Space suit , Will Travel               Robert A. Heinlein  7.53  7.53 ..00021211 (117) 
 305  Podkayne of Mars                            Robert A. Heinlein  7.52  7.47 ...0031110 (34) 
 312  Double Star                                 Robert A. Heinlein  7.51  7.52 0000011111 (99) 
 339  Methuselah 's Children                      Robert A. Heinlein  7.47  7.45 ..00012210 (73) 
 347  Tunnel in the Sky                           Robert A. Heinlein  7.46  7.44 ...0.02210 (64) 
 410  Puppet Masters                              Robert A. Heinlein  7.31  7.29 0.00012110 (107) 
 420  Between Planets                             Robert A. Heinlein  7.28  7.30 ....122.11 (23) 
 433  the Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan C     Robert A. Heinlein  7.25  7.31 ....12310. (26) 
 468  Glory Road                                  Robert A. Heinlein  7.17  7.22 0000010201 (69) 
 488  Job : a Comedy of Justice                   Robert A. Heinlein  7.11  7.13 00.1010211 (75) 
       [great title]
 506  Time Enough for Love                        Robert A. Heinlein  7.06  7.07 0000001112 (127) 
 517  Friday                                      Robert A. Heinlein  7.04  7.06 0000011110 (84) 
 534  Star Beast                                  Robert A. Heinlein  6.99  6.98 ..0.031100 (45) 
 550  Rocket ship Galileo                         Robert A. Heinlein  6.94  6.89 .1...3212. (19) 
 565  Revolt in 2100                        C     Robert A. Heinlein  6.90  7.35 ....12212. (17) 
 594  Orphans of the Sky                          Robert A. Heinlein  6.81  6.87 .0..0213.0 (23) 
 604  Farnham 's Freehold                         Robert A. Heinlein  6.78  6.77 00..014000 (39) 
 633  Waldo and Magic Inc                   C     Robert A. Heinlein  6.69  6.69 ..1012111. (29) 
 719  Assignment in Eternity                C     Robert A. Heinlein  6.52  7.12 .....31121 (16) 
 788  to Sail Beyond the Sunset                   Robert A. Heinlein  6.32  6.33 1.0000111. (33) 
 856  Beyond This Horizon                         Robert A. Heinlein  6.10  7.77 ..1.000.04 (13) 
 863  I Will Fear no Evil                         Robert A. Heinlein  6.08  6.14 00.1110011 (56) 
 969  the Number of the Beast                     Robert A. Heinlein  5.75  5.83 0100011101 (82) 
 973  the Cat who Walks Through Walls             Robert A. Heinlein  5.73  5.80 0.00012000 (51) 

Please do not confuse the following Rama with Rama aka Dr. Frederick Lenz, who has recently attained his parinirvana by drowning off the dock of his Long Island mansion, while overdosed on Valium. Declared suicide; despondent over lawsuits by families of his followers. Whether he had a loss of consciousness at the moment of death is unknown.

The present author had karma that compelled him to receive Lenz's darshan on two occasions. Most highly developed superficiality among contemporary gurus.
His band:
His book: Surfing the Himalayas, Snowboarding to Nirvana.
His PR firm: tributes
"We have won over 60 Web Awards!", mostly because we awarded them to ourself:

 336  Rendezvous with Rama                  S1    Arthur C. Clarke    7.48  7.49 ..00001221 (281) 
 705  Rama Revealed                         S4    Arthur C. Clarke    6.54  6.52 0000010201 (52) 
 741  Rama II                               S2    Arthur C. Clarke    6.47  6.48 0000012200 (91) 
 790  the Garden of Rama                    S3    Arthur C. Clarke    6.32  6.31 0.00110101 (64) 

Fred Lenz a.k.a Atmananda a.k.a Rama has since ascended. see his Wikipedia page

* These books, and 10000 [2014 update, 1,000,000, 2018 update 2,000,000 ] or so others, are available to anyone freely and legitimately on the net. To find out where:, "The OnLine Books page".

Self-referential url:

1996?-- minor changes Aug 2018