Self-referential url:
This list is skewed from a global point of view. (Where's Asia?)
But still useful. This is what THEY believe are important. I offer
it as a way of studying what THEY think. Whoever THEY are....
other such lists of books I have heard of (haven't read
these, no recommendation either way; picked off a newspaper review
of Bloom; books re Western canon , Jan 18, 1995,
San Francisco Examiner, review of Bloom )
which are not incorporated in the following
Harold Bloom, The Western Canon, 1995,
(author of The Book of J, and The American
Religion ["post-Christian gnosticism"]) sees real "competition
for mindshare" [ cf all the contemporary blather re "memes"]
(His list includes Penguin Island and
Thaïs, available at this website.)
(Please do not confuse Harold Bloom with Allan
(Closing of the American Mind), Howard (The
Lucifer Principle), Milo, Leopold, or Joe Bob Briggs.)
Erich Auerbach, Mimesis: The Representation of
Reality in Western Literature, 1954 (in the list below)
F.R. Leavis, The Great Tradition,
(editor of Scutiny, d. 1978)
The following I grabbed off the WELL and aschteemelified;
it had been floating around the net:
WHAT SHOULD YOU READ? WHO SAYS SO? Revision 2 [July 1990]
The list below includes almost 900 recommendations found
in a variety of sources identifying "important" books:
- l = The Lifetime Reading Plan by Clifton Fadiman.
- g = Great Books of the Western World, Mortimer J. Adler, Editor.
- t = Great Books of the Twentieth Century, as proposed by Adler.
- c = Books for the College-Bound Student, in Books and the Teenaged Reader.
- e = The College and Adult Reading List of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
- b = Books for You, the secondary-level reading list of the NCTE.
- s = List for the college-preparatory student in Reading in the Secondary School.
- r = One Hundred Significant Books from Good Reading -- Committee on College Reading.
- a = Fifty 20th-Century Books Most Cited in Arts and Humanities Citation Index, 1976-1983.
- h = Selected titles from Harvard Guide to Influential Books [mostly nonfiction]
- w = Selected titles from Writer's Choice-A Library of Rediscoveries
[so-called neglected books, from nonfiction sections]
- f = Seminal works and other important books, selected from The List of
Books, by Frederic Raphael and Kenneth McLeish
Some considerations:
1. The books followed only by c, s, b, or e: Many of
these are what I call "teacherly" books-- those seen as suitable
for secondary English curricula because of literary merit or
perceived wholesomeness. They represent the biases, professional
and personal, of generations of English teachers.
2. The books followed by l, g, t, r, or a: These might
be most legitimately considered "important," either for literary
merit, historical importance, or utility. They include most of the
core "classics" of the Western literary canon and important works
of the social and natural sciences. The books marked "a" are the
only ones chosen by a statistical method--books that scholars
actually cited in their work.
3. The books followed by h, w, or f: These are quirkier
choices. Strictly speaking, they represent less a consensus and
more a group of recommendations by individuals--Harvard professors,
various writers (many of them well-known), and two Oxbridge
writer-critics. I included these three lists because if people from
those groups recommended a bunch of books to me I would at least
listen to them. To avoid a 3000-book list, I generally eliminated
fiction recommendations from these lists.
4. Obviously, the problems of canonicity and ethnic bias
that pertain in scholastic debate today are echoed in this compilation.
The major reason for including the "teacherly" works is to offer
some alternatives--there are more works by female writers and at
least some by non-white writers thereby. By that same token, the
orientation is weighted toward American titles in 19th and 20th
Century works, and toward Western works generally. Any serious
reader will have quarrels with this list. That is as it should be.
I have not fudged here. I stress this point to avoid conflict. I
did not choose the books included here [except h, w, and f, where
I winnowed, but did not add]. To take the smallest example, I don't
know why King Lear is not included in the Shakespeare list. In
addition, please realize that these lists are timebound. Some of
the original compilations were made in the 1950s and 1960s [when
people still read, says my anti-television bias]. There are works
here that seemed to be important at the time, but which have wavered
or sunk in their reputation in the last two or three decades. The
list may be flawed, but I challenge you, as a serious reader, to
look through here without finding something that sparks your
attention and sends you off to the library. Similarly, if a book
is on four, five, six, or seven of those lists, you might be
hard-pressed to justify it as not being worth reading. Even if you
disagree with Thomas Carlyle's statement that "The true University
of these days is a collection of books," I hope you can find some
value here. I would welcome any helpful comments or reasonable
sources to add to the database that underlies this project. Especially
welcome would be notice of any case where one work appears here
under two titles, as happens when works are published in different
languages or in different countries.
Alexander H. McIntire, Jr.
Graduate School of International Studies
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124-3010
- The Bible--esp. King James Version [lgcrh]
- Adams, Henry: The Education of Henry Adams [tl]
- Adams, Henry: The Henry Adams Reader [c]
- Adams, Henry: The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma [tw]
- Adams, Henry: Democracy: An American Novel [w]
- Adams, Henry: Mont St. Michael and Chartres (1904) [cf]
- Adler, Mortimer J.: The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World(1952) [h]
- Aeschylus: The Oresteia (458 BC) [glrf]
- Aeschylus: Others [g]
- Aesop: Fables [r]
- Agee, James: A Death in the Family [cb]
- Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women [e]
- Alighieri, Dante: The Divine Comedy [lgr]
- Allison, Graham T.: Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis [h]
- American State Papers: Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation,Constitution [lg]
- Anderson, Sherwood: Winesburg, Ohio [ces]
- Aquinas, Thomas: Summa Theologica (1267-73) [f]
- Arendt, Hannah: Origins of Totalitarianism [t]
- Arendt, Hannah: The Human Condition (1958) [th]
- Aristophanes: Comedies [r]
- Aristotle: Poetics (4th century BC) [f]
- Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics (4th century BC) [glrf]
- Aritsotle: Politics (4th century BC) [glrf]
- Aristotle: Other Works [g]
- Aron, Raymond: Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations (1962) [h]
- Arrow, Kenneth J.: Social Choice and Individual Values (1951) [h]
- Astell, Mary: Some Reflections Upon Marriage [w]
- Audubon, J.J.: The Birds of America (1827-38) [f]
- Auerbach E.: Mimesis: the representation of reality in Western literature [a]
- Augustine, St.: City of God [g]
- Augustine, St.: Confessions [lgf]
- Aurelius, Marcus: Meditations [lgrf]
- Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice [lbsecr]
- Austen, Jane: Emma [ls]
- Austen, Jane: Sense and Sensibility [s]
- Austin, J.L.: How to do things with words [a]
- Ayer, Alfred J.: Language, Truth and Logic (1936) [hf]
- Ayres, Clarence E.: Science, the False Messiah [w]
- Bacon, Francis: Essays (1597) [rf]
- Bagehot, Walter: The English Constitution (1867) [f]
- Bailyn, Bernard: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (1965) [h]
- Bakhtin, M. M.: Rabelais and his world [a]
- Balakian, Nona: Critical Encounters [w]
- Baldwin, James: Nobody Knows My Name [c]
- Baldwin, James: Notes of a Native Son [c]
- Baldwin, James: Go Tell It on the Mountain [c]
- Balzac: Pere Goriot [lc]
- Balzac: Eugenie Grandet [lr]
- Barbellion, W.N.P.: The Journal of a Disappointed Man [w]
- Baring, Maurice: Tinker's Leave [w]
- Baring, Maurice: Unreliable History [w]
- Baring-Gould, Sabine: John Herring: A West of England Romance [w]
- Barnard, Chester I.: The Functions of the Executive (1938) [h]
- Barthes, Roland: The Pleasure of the Text [h]
- Barthes, Roland: S/Z [a]
- Barthes, Roland: Mythologies [a]
- Barthes, Roland: Writing Degree Zero (1953) [f]
- Barzun, Jacques: The House of Intellect [c]
- Baskerville, Geoffrey: English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries [w]
- Bates, Marston: The Prevalence of People [w]
- Bateson, Gregory: Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) [h]
- Beaglehold, J.C.: The Life of Captain Cook [w]
- Beauvoir, Simone de: Force of Circumstance [w]
- Beckett, Samuel: Waiting for Godot [tf]
- Beckett, Samuel: Endgame [t]
- Bede (the Venerable), Saint: The Ecclesiastical History of England (731) [f]
- Bell, Daniel: The Radical Right [w]
- Bell, Daniel: The Coming of Post-Industrial Society (1973) [h]
- Bellah, Robert N.: The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in a Time of Trial [h]
- Bellow, Saul: Herzog [t]
- Bellow, Saul: Mr. Sammler's Planet [t]
- Benedict, Ruth: Patterns of Culture [c]
- Benjamin, Walter: Illuminations (1970) [f]
- Benveniste, E.: Problemes de linguistique generale (Problems in gen. ling. [a]
- Berger, John: Ways of Seeing (1972) [f]
- Berger, Peter L. and Luckmann T.: The Social construction of reality: a treatise in the soc. of knowledge [a]
- Bergson, Henry: The Two Sources of Morality and Religion [t]
- Bergson, Henry: Creative Evolution [tw]
- Berkeley, George: Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710) [f]
- Berle, Adolph A., Jr.: Power Without Property; A New Development in American Political Eco. [h]
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah: Four Essays on Liberty (1969) [h]
- Bernanos, Georges: The Diary of a Country Priest (1936) [h]
- Berry, Wendell: Recollected Essays, 1965-1980 [h]
- Bespaloff, Rachel: On the Iliad [w]
- Bettelheim, Bruno: The Empty Fortress: Infantile Autism and the Birth of Self [w]
- Bevan, Aneurin: In Place of Fear [w]
- Beveridge, William: The Art of Scientific Investigation (1951) [h]
- Bewick, Thomas: A Memoir of Thomas Bewick Written by Himself (1862) [f]
- Blackmur, Richard P.: Language as Gesture [w]
- Blake, William: Selected Works [l]
- Boas, Franz: The Mind of Primitive Man [w]
- Boccaccio, Giovanni: Decameron [er]
- Bodsworth, Fred: The Last of the Curlews [w]
- Bogan, Louise: The Blue Estuaries [w]
- Bohr, Niels: Atomic Physics and Human Understanding [t]
- Bolitho, William: Twelve Against the Gods [w]
- Boll, Heinrich: The Clown [t]
- Bolling, Richard W. and John Bowles: America's Competitive Edge [h]
- Bolton, Herbert: Rim of Christendom [w]
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: The Cost of Discipleship (1948) [h]
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: Letters and Papers from Prison (1953) [f]
- Booth, W.C.: The rhetoric of fiction [a]
- Borges, Jorge Luis: Doctor Brodie's Report [t]
- Borges, Jorge Luis: The Book of Imaginary Beings [t]
- Borges, Jorge Luis: Dreamtigers [t]
- Bork, Robert H.: The Antitrust Paradox: A Policy at War with Itself (1978) [h]
- Boswell, James: Life of Samuel Johnson (1791) [lgcsbrhf]
- Bourjaily, Vance: The Unnatural Enemy [w]
- Bowen, Catherine Drinker: Yankee from Olympus [cs]
- Bowen, Eleanor Smith: Return to Laughter [w]
- Brady, Robert: Business as a System of Power [w]
- Braudel, Fernand: Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century [h]
- Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in Age of Philip II [hf]
- Breasted, James: The Dawn of Conscience [w]
- Bridgman, Percy W.: The Way Things Are (1959) [h]
- Bridgmann, Percy W.: The Logic of Modern Physics (1927) [h]
- Briffault, Robert: The Decline and Fall of the British Empire [w]
- Brittain, Vera: Testament of Youth (1933) [f]
- Bronowski, Jacob: The Ascent of Man (1973) [f]
- Bronte, Charlotte: Jane Eyre [csb]
- Bronte, Emily: Wuthering Heights [lcesb]
- Brooks, Cleanth: Modern Poetry and the Tradition [h]
- Browning, Robert: Poems [r]
- Brunner, Constantin: Sci, Spirit and Superstition: A New Enquiry into Human Thought [w]
- Buber, Martin: I and Thou [t]
- Buck, Pearl: The Good Earth [cb]
- Bulfinch, Thomas: The Age of Fable [c]
- Bullock, Alan L.: The Harper Dictionary of Modern Thought [h]
- Bunyan, John: Pilgrim's Progress [lcesr]
- Burckhardt, Jakob: Force and Freedom: Reflections on History [w]
- Burke, Edmund: Reflections on the Revolution in France (1791) [f]
- Burke, Kenneth: Attitudes Toward History [w]
- Burke, Kenneth: Permanence and Change (1935) [H]
- Burney, Christopher: Solitary Confinement [w]
- Burns, James MacGregor: Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox (1956) [h]
- Burns, Robert: Poems [r]
- Burton, Robert: Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) [f]
- Burtt, Edwin A.: Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science [w]
- Bury, John B.: The Idea of Progress: An Inquiry into Its Origin and Growth (1920) [h]
- Butler, Samuel: The Way of All Flesh [cesr]
- Byron: Poems [r]
- Byron, Robert: The Road to Oxiana [w]
- Caillois, Roger: Man, Play and Games [w]
- Camus, Albert: The Myth of Sisyphus (1942) [h]
- Camus, Albert: The Rebel [t]
- Camus, Albert: The Stranger [ct]
- Camus, Albert: The Fall [et]
- Camus, Albert: The Plague [ct]
- Carpenter, Edward: Towards Democracy [w]
- Carr, Edward H.: What is History? (1961) [h]
- Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [lsec]
- Carroll, Lewis: Through the Looking-Glass [le]
- Carson, Rachel: The Sea Around Us [csb]
- Cary, Joyce: Art and Reality: Ways of the Creative Process (1958) [h]
- Cather, Willa: My Antonia [c]
- Cather, Willa: Death Comes for the Archbishop [c]
- Cather, Willa: A Lost Lady [e]
- Cellini: Autobiography [r]
- Chambers, Frank: The History of Taste [w]
- Chambers, Frank: Cycles of Taste [w]
- Chandler, Alfred D., Jr.: Strategy and Structure [h]
- Chandler, Alfred D., Jr.: The Visible Hand [h]
- Chaplin, Ralph: Wobbly [w]
- Chaucer, Geoffrey: Troilus and Gressida [g]
- Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales [cslr]
- Chazal, Malcolm de: Plastic Sense [w]
- Chekhov, Anton: The Three Sisters [tcf]
- Chekhov, Anton: The Cherry Orchard (1904) [tcsrf]
- Chekhov, Anton: The Seagull [f]
- Chekhov, Anton: Uncle Vanya [f]
- Chesney, Kellow: The Victorian Underworld (1970) [f]
- Chesterson, G. K.: The Man Who was Thursday [e]
- Chomsky, N.: Aspects of the theory of syntax [a]
- Chomsky, N.: Syntactic structures [a]
- Chomsky, N. and Halle, M.: The sound pattern of English [a]
- Chomsky, Noam: Language and Mind (1968) [f]
- Churchill, Winston S.: The Second World War, Vol. I: The Gathering Storm (1948) [h]
- Cioran, Emile: The Temptation to Exist [w]
- Clarke, George L.: Elements of Ecology (1954) [h]
- Clarke, Peter: Liberals and Social Democrats (1979) [f]
- Clarke, R. and Hindley, G.: The Challenge of the Primitives (1975) [f]
- Cloos, Hans: Conversation with the Earth [w]
- Cobb, Edith: The Ecology of Imagination in Childhood [w]
- Cochrane, Charles N.: Chris. and Class. Culture: A Study of Thought and Action fr. Aug'tin [w]
- Cohen, Morris R.: Reason and Nature: An Essay on the Mean.of the Sci. Method [w]
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Writings on Shakespeare [l]
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: The Ancient Mariner [l]
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Kubla Khan [l]
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Christabel [l]
- Collier, Richard: The Sound of Fury: An Account of the Indian Mutiny [w]
- Collingwood, R. G.: An Essay on Metaphysics (1940) [h]
- Collingwood, R. G.: The Idea of History (1946) [h]
- Collis, John S.: The Vision of Glory [w]
- Collis, John S.: While Following the Plow [w]
- Conant, James: Modern Science and Modern Man [c]
- Confucius: The Analects [r]
- Connolly, Cyril: Enemies of Promise [w]
- Conrad, Joseph: Almayer's Folly [e]
- Conrad, Joseph: Nostromo [lt]
- Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness [tsc]
- Conrad, Joseph: Lord Jim [cs]
- Conrad, Joseph: Victory [es]
- Conrad, Joseph: The Secret Sharer [tc]
- Cooper, James Fenimore: The Spy [s]
- Cooper, James Fenimore: Last of the Mohicans [ces]
- Cornford, F. M.: Microcosmographia Academica: Being a Guide for the Young Aca. Pol. [w]
- Cousteau, Jacques-Yves: The Silent World [s]
- Cover, Robert M.: Justice Accused: Antislavery and the Judicial Process (1975) [h]
- Cox, Oliver Cromwell: Class, Caste and Race: A Study in Social Dynamics [w]
- Cozzens, James G.: Guard of Honor [e]
- Crane, Stephen: Red Badge of Courage [ces]
- Culler J.: Structuralist poetics: structuralism, ling. and the study of lit. [a]
- Curie, Eve: Madam Curie [cs]
- Curtis, Charles and Ferris Greenslet: The Practical Cogitator or The Thinker's Anthology [w]
- Curtis, E. R.: Europaische Literature und lateinisches Mittelalter [a]
- Custance, John: Wisdom, Madness, and Folly: The Philosophy of a Lunatic [w]
- Dana, Richard Henry: Two Years Before the Mast [b]
- Darwin, Charles: The Descent of Man [g]
- Darwin, Charles: [On the] Origin of species [grf]
- de Beauvoir, Simone: The Second Sex (1949) [tf]
- de Cervantes, Miguel: Don Quixote [lgcesbr]
- de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard: The Phenomenon of Man [tf]
- de Man, Hendrik: The Psychology of Socialism (Die sozialistische Idee, 1933) [h]
- de Saint-Exupery, Antoine: Wind, Sand and Stars [c]
- de Tocqueville, Alexis: Democracy in America [lcf]
- De Waal, Frans: Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex Among Apes [h]
- Defoe, Daniel: Moll Flanders [es]
- Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe [lbscr]
- Dermout, Maria: The Ten Thousand Things (1958) [h]
- Derrida, Jacques: Writing and difference [a]
- Derrida, Jacques: Of Grammatology (1976) [ah]
- Descartes: Discourse on Method [lgr]
- Descartes, Rene: Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) [f]
- Descartes: Others [g]
- Dewey, John: Experience and Nature [t]
- Dewey, John: Human Nature and Conduct [lt]
- Dewey, John: Reconstruction in Philosophy [t]
- Dewey, John: The Quest for Certainty [t]
- Dewey, John: Democracy and Education (1916) [tf]
- Dickens, Charles: Hard Times [l]
- Dickens, Charles: Tale of Two Cities [cs]
- Dickens, Charles: Pickwick Papers [ls]
- Dickens, Charles: Our Mutual Friend [l]
- Dickens, Charles: David Copperfield [lsec]
- Dickens, Charles: Bleak House [l]
- Dickens, Charles: Little Dorrit [lh]
- Dickens, Charles: Oliver Twist [cs]
- Dinnerstein, Dorothy: The Mermaid and the Minotaur: Sexual Arrange. and Human Malaise [h]
- Djilas, Milovan: The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System (1957) [h]
- Dodds, Eric Robertson: The Greeks and the Irrational (1951) [wf]
- Donne, John: Selected Works [lr]
- Dos Passos, John: U.S.A. [ce]
- Dostoevski, Feodor: The Brothers Karamazov [lsgcer]
- Dostoevski, Feodor: Crime and Punishment [lbsec]
- Douglas, Keith: Alamein to Zem Zem [w]
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [sb]
- Dreiser, Theodore: Sister Carrie [e]
- Dreiser, Theodore: An American Tragedy [sec]
- Dumas, Alexandre: The Three Musketeers [sc]
- Dumas, Alexandre: Count of Monte Cristo [c]
- Dumont, Louis: Homo Hierarchichus (1966) [f]
- Dunham, Barrows: The Heretics (1961) [f]
- Durant, Will: The Story of Philosophy [c]
- Durant, Will: The Story of Civilization [lg]
- Durkheim, Emile: Suicide (1897) [f]
- Eco, Umberto: A theory of semiotics [a]
- Eddington, Arthur: The Nature of the Physical World [t]
- Eddington, Arthur: Stars and Atoms [t]
- Einstein, Albert: Sidelights on Relativity [t]
- Einstein, Albert: The Meaning of Relativity [t]
- Einstein, Albert: On the Method of Theoretical Physics [t]
- Eiseley, Loren C.: The Immense Journey (1957) [h]
- Eisenstein, Hester and Alice Jardine: The Future of Difference (1980) [h]
- Elias, Norbert: The History of Manners (1978) [h]
- Elias, Norbert: The Civilizing Process [w]
- Eliot, George: Middlemarch [lesh]
- Eliot, George: The Mill on the Floss [lc]
- Eliot, T. S.: Collected Poems and Plays [tclr]
- Eliot, T. S.: The waste land. []
- Eliot, T. S.: Murder in the Cathedral (1935) [f]
- Ellul, Jacques: Technological Society [t]
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Selected Essays and Poems [lr]
- Empson, William: Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930) [f]
- Euripides: Hippolytus [glf]
- Euripides: Medea [glscf]
- Euripides: Alcestis [gl]
- Euripides: Electra [gl]
- Euripides: The Bacchae (405BC) [glf]
- Euripides: The Trojan Women [glf]
- Euripides: Other Plays [gr]
- Fair, Charles: The Dying Self [w]
- Farrell, James: Studs Lonigan [e]
- Farwell, Byron: Queen Victoria's Little Wars [w]
- Faulkner, William: Light in August [ct]
- Faulkner, William: Absalom! Absalom! (1936) [h]
- Faulkner, William: As I Lay Dying [l]
- Faulkner, William: Intruder in the Dust [c]
- Faulkner, William: Sartoris [t]
- Faulkner, William: The Sound and the Fury [ltecr]
- Fausset, Hugh L'Anson: The Lost Dimension [w]
- Feynman, Richard: The Feynman Lectures on Physics [w]
- Field, Joanna: On Not Being Able to Paint [w]
- Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones [lgcesr]
- Figes, Eva: Patriarchal Attitudes [w]
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott: Tender is the Night [e]
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Great Gatsby [sceb]
- Flaubert, Gustave: Madam Bovary [celr]
- Forster, E. M.: A Passage to India [cel]
- Foss, Martin: Symbol and Metaphor in Human Experience [w]
- Foucault, M.: The order of things [a]
- Foucault, Michel: Discipline and Punish: The Birth of a Prison [h]
- Frank, Jerome: Law and the Modern Mind [w]
- Franklin, Benjamin: Autobiography [csbr]
- Frazer, James: The Golden Bough (1890-1915) [crf]
- Freud, S.: The interpretation of dreams [a]
- Freud, Sigmund: Selected Works [lgr]
- Freud, Sigmund: New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1963) [f]
- Freyre, Gilberto: The Masters and the Slaves (1933) [f]
- Friedan, Betty: The Feminine Mystique (1962) [f]
- Frost, Robert: Collected Poems [cltr]
- Fry, Christopher: The Lady's Not for Burning (1949) [ch]
- Fry, Roger: Vision and Design (1920) [h]
- Frye, N.: Anatomy of criticism: four essays [a]
- Fuchs, V. R.: Who Shall Live? Health, Economics and Social Choice (1975) [f]
- Gabriel, Ralph Henry: The Course of American Democratic Thought (1940) [h]
- Gadamer, H-G: Truth and method [a]
- Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Affluent Society (1958) [ch]
- Galsworthy, John: The Forsyte Saga [c]
- Gaskell, Philip: A New Introduction to Bibliography [h]
- Genette, G.: Figures [a]
- Gerschenkron, Alexander: Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective [h]
- Gibbon, Edward: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [gr]
- Gide, Andre: The Counterfeiters [te]
- Giedion, Sigfried: Space, Time, and Architecture [h]
- Gilson, Etienne: The Unity of Philosophical Experience [t]
- Goethe, J. W. von: Faust (1808) [lgrf]
- Goffman, Erving: Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior (1967) [h]
- Gogol, Nicolai V.: Dead Souls [le]
- Golding, William: Lord of the Flies [b]
- Goldsmith, Oliver: She Stoops to Conquer [sc]
- Goldsmith, Oliver: The Vicar of Wakefield [s]
- Gombrich, E.H.: Art and illusion: a study in the psychology of pictorial represent. [ah]
- Gorky, Maxim: Mother [c]
- Grant, Robert: The Secret Sayings of Jesus [w]
- Graves, Robert: Goodbye to All That [w]
- Gray, J. Glenn: The Warriors: Reflections on Men in Battle [w]
- Greene, Graham: The Power and the Glory [et]
- Greene, Thomas: Rabelais: A Study in Comic Courage [w]
- Greer, Germain: The Female Eunuch (1970) [f]
- Habermas, J.: Knowledge and human interests [a]
- Halberstam, D.: The Best and the Brightest (1972) [f]
- Hamilton and Madison: The Federalist [gr]
- Hamilton, Edith: Mythology [c]
- Hamilton, Edith: The Greek Way [c]
- Hamilton, Edith: Witness to the Truth [w]
- Hardy, Thomas: The Return of the Native [ls]
- Hardy, Thomas: Tess of the D'Urbervilles [lsecr]
- Hardy, Thomas: The Mayor of Casterbridge [lsc]
- Hardy, Thomas: Far from the Madding Crowd [sb]
- Hardy, Thomas: Jude the Obscure [le]
- Harrington, Alan: Psychopaths [w]
- Harrington, Michael: The Other America: Poverty in the United States [w]
- Harrison, Jane: Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion [w]
- Harrod, Roy F.: The Life of John Maynard Keynes (1951) [h]
- Hartz, Louis: The Liberal Tradition in America [h]
- Hawley, Ellis W.: The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly, 1934- 1938 (1959) [h]
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Selected tales [l]
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter [lsecr]
- Hay, Malcolm: The Foot of Pride [Europe and the Jews] [w]
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: Philosophy of Right (Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts(1821) [h]
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: The Indepen. and Depend. of Self-Consci.: Master and Slave (The Phen. of [h]
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: The Phenomenology of Mind (1807) [f]
- Heidegger, Martin: The Question of Being [t]
- Heidegger, Martin: What is a Thing? [t]
- Heidegger, Martin: What is Philosophy? [t]
- Heidegger, Martin: Being and Time (1927) [taf]
- Heilbroner, Robert L.: The Worldly Philosophers [c]
- Heilbroner, Robert L.: The Great Ascent: The Struggle for Eco. Dev. in Our Time [h]
- Heisenberg, Werner: Physics and Philosophy [t]
- Heisenberg, Werner: Philosophic Problems of Nuclear Science [t]
- Heisenberg, Werner: Physics and Beyond [t]
- Hellman, Lillian: The Little Foxes [c]
- Hemingway, Ernest: The Sun Also Rises [cser]
- Hemingway, Ernest: For Whom the Bell Tolls [cs]
- Hemingway, Ernest: Short Stories [l]
- Hemingway, Ernest: A Farewell to Arms [bec]
- Herodotus: The Histories (5th century BC) [lgrf]
- Hersey, John: Hiroshima [c]
- Heyden, A. A. M. and Scullard, H. H.: Atlas of the Ancient World (1955) [f]
- Heyerdahl, Thor: Kon-Tiki [b]
- Highet, Gilbert: The Classical Tradition (1949) [f]
- Hinton, William: Fanshen (1966) [f]
- Hirsch, E.D.: Validity in interpretation [a]
- Hirsch, Fred: Social Limits to Growth [h]
- Hirschman, Albert O.: Development Projects Observed [h]
- Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan (1651) [lgf]
- Hoffer, Eric: The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements(1951) [h]
- Hofstadter, Douglas: Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (1979) [f]
- Hofstadter, Richard: The American Political Tradition [c]
- Hofstadter, Richard: The Age of Reform: From Bryan to F.D.R. [hf]
- Hofstadter, Richard: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life [h]
- Hofstadter, Richard: Academic Freedom in the Age of the College [h]
- Hoggart, Richard: The Uses of Literacy (1957) [f]
- Holmes, John Clellon: Nothing More to Declare [w]
- Homans, George C.: The Human Group (1950) [h]
- Homans, George C.: Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms [h]
- Homer: The Iliad [lgcsr]
- Homer: The Odyssey [lgcsr]
- Hooke, S.H.: Middle Eastern Mythology (1963) [f]
- Horowitz, Conald L.: Ethnic Groups in Conflict [h]
- Hoskins, W.G.: The Making of the English Landscape [h]
- Howells, William Dean: The Rise of Silas Lapham [ces]
- Hudson, W.H.: Green Mansions [cs]
- Hugo, Victor: Les Miserables [cr]
- Hugo, Victor: Hunchback of Notre Dame [c]
- Hume, David: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748) [lgf]
- Huneker, James Gibbons: Iconoclasts, a Book of Dramatists (1905) [h]
- Huneker, James Gibbons: Egoists, a Book of Supermen (1909) [h]
- Huneker, James Gibbons: Unicorns (1917) [h]
- Huneker, James Gibbons: Ivory Apes and Peacocks (1915) [hw]
- Huntington, Samuel: Political Order in Changing Societies [h]
- Huntington, Samuel P.: American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony (1981) [h]
- Husserl, Edmund: The Paris Lectures (1950) [f]
- Huxley, Aldous: Collected Essays [l]
- Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World [ltsecr]
- Huxley, Thomas H.: Evolution and Ethics (1893) [f]
- Ibsen, Henrik: The Wild Duck [ls]
- Ibsen, Henrik: When We Dead Awaken [ls]
- Ibsen, Henrik: Selected plays [R]
- Ibsen, Henrik: The Master Builder [l]
- Ibsen, Henrik: A Doll's House [lsc]
- Ibsen, Henrik: An Enemy of the People [ls]
- Ibsen, Henrik: Hedda Gabler [lsc]
- Ibsen, Henrik: Peer Gynt [l]
- Ibsen, Henrik: Ghosts (1881) [lsf]
- Irvine, William: Apes, Angels, and Victorians: The Story of Darwin, Huxley and Evol. [w]
- Iser, W.: The act of reading [a]
- Isherwood, Christopher: Prater Violet [e]
- Jaeger, Werner W.: Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture (1934) [h]
- Jakobson, R.: Closing statement: linguistics and poetics [a]
- James, Henry: The Turn of the Screw [bsc]
- James, Henry: Daisy Miller [s]
- James, Henry: The Ambassadors [le]
- James, Henry: Portrait of a Lady [e]
- James, Henry: The Americans [se]
- James, William: Principles of Psychology [lg]
- James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience [lh]
- Janeway, Elizabeth: Man's World, Woman's Place: A Study in Soc. Mythology (1971) [f]
- Jarrell, Randall: Poetry and the Age (1953) [f]
- Jaspers, Karl: Reason and anti-Reason in Our Time [t]
- Jaspers, Karl: Reason and Existence [t]
- Joad, C.E.M.: Introduction to Modern Political Theory (1924) [h]
- Johnson, Chalmers A.: MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy [h]
- Johnson, Samuel: Johnson on Shakespeare (1795) [f]
- Jones, Ernest: The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (1953-57) [h]
- Jonson, Ben: The Alchemist (1610) [f]
- Joyce, J.: Finnegans wake [a]
- Joyce, James: Ulysses [ltera]
- Joyce, James: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man [tsa]
- Jung, Carl: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology [t]
- Jung, Carl: Psychological Types [t]
- Jung, Carl: Modern Man in Search of a Soul [t]
- Jung, Carl: Psychology and Religion: East and West (1958) [f]
- Jung, Carl G.: Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1963) [h]
- Kafka, Franz: The Trial [t]
- Kafka, Franz: The Castle [t]
- Kant, Immaneul: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (1783) [f]
- Keats, John: Letters of John Keats (1816-20) [f]
- Keats, John: Poems [r]
- Keegan, John: The Face of Battle (1976) [hf]
- Kelly, Joan: Women, History, and Theory [h]
- Kennan, George F.: Memoirs (1967) 2 vols. [h]
- Kent, Frank: The Great Game of Politics [w]
- Kerouac, Jack: On the Road (1957) [h]
- Keynes, John Maynard: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936) [tf]
- Khayyam, Omar: The Rubaiyat [cr]
- King,Jr., Martin Luther: Stride Toward Freedom [w]
- Kipling, Rudyard: Kim [ce]
- Kipling, Rudyard: Captains Courageous [s]
- Klitgaard, Robert E.: Choosing Elites [h]
- Kluger, Richard: Simple Justice (1975) [h]
- Knowles: A Separate Peace [b]
- Koestler, Arthur: Darkness at Noon (1940) [csh]
- Kogon, Eugen: The Theory and Practice of Hell [w]
- Kripke, S.a.: Naming and necessity [a]
- Kuhn, Thomas S.: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) [ah]
- La Barre, Weston: The Ghost Dance [w]
- Lacan, J.: Ecrits [a]
- Lakatos, I.: Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes [a]
- Lampedusa, Giuseppe di: The Leopard [t]
- Lao-Tsu: The Way of Life [r]
- Lawrence, D. H.: Women in Love [t]
- Lawrence, D. H.: Sons and Lovers [lcestr]
- Lax, David; James Schenius: The Manager as Negotiator [h]
- Le Corbusier: Towards an Architecture (1923) [f]
- Lee, Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird [cb]
- Lenin, V.I.: Polnoe sobranie sochineny (Complete collected works) [a]
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich: State and Revolution (1917) [tf]
- Levi-Strauss, C.: Anthropologie structurale (Structural anthropology) [a]
- Levi-Strauss, C.: La pensee sauvage (the savage mind) [taf]
- Levi-Strauss, Claude: Totemism [t]
- Levi-Strauss, Claude: The Elementary Structures of Kinship [f]
- Levi-Strauss, Claude: The Raw and the Cooked (1969) [tf]
- Lewis, Sinclair: Arrowsmith [cr]
- Lewis, Sinclair: Main Street [c]
- Lewis, Sinclair: Babbit [ce]
- Lilge, Frederic: The Abuse of Learning:The Failure of the German University [w]
- Livy: History (1st century AD) [f]
- Locke, John: Second Treatise on Government [lg]
- Locke, John: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) [f]
- Locke, John: Other Works [gr]
- London, Jack: The Sea Wolf [c]
- London, Jack: Martin Eden [e]
- London, Jack: Call of the Wild [sc]
- Lorenz, Konrad: On Aggression (1963) [f]
- Lovejoy, Arthur: The Great Chain of Being [w]
- Luce, R. Duncan and Howard Raiffa: Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey [h]
- Lucretius: Of the Nature of Things [lgr]
- Lukacs, John: Historical Consciousness: Or the Remembered Past [w]
- Lynd, Helen: On Shame and the Search for Identity [w]
- Machiavelli, Niccolo: The Prince (1514) [lgrf]
- MacIntyre, Alasdair C.: After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory (1981) [h]
- Mackay, Charles: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds [w]
- MacLeish, Archibald: J.B. [c]
- MacPherson, Crawford B.: The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke [h]
- Madge, Charles: Society in the Mind [w]
- Mailer, Norman: The Naked and the Dead [e]
- Malinowski, B.: Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922) [f]
- Malory, Sir Thomas: Le Morte d'Arthur (1485) [crf]
- Malraux, Andre: Man's Hope [t]
- Malraux, Andre: The Voices of Silence [t]
- Malraux, Andre: Man's Fate [kte]
- Malthus: Principles of Population [r]
- Mandelbaum, Maurice: History, Man, and Reason: A Study of 19th Century Thought [h]
- Mann, Thomas: The Magic Mountain [lter]
- Mann, Thomas: Joseph and His Brothers [et]
- Mannheim, Karl: Ideology and Utopia (1929) [hw]
- Marais, Eugene: The Soul of the White Ant [w]
- Marcuse, Herbert: One Dimensional Man (19640 [f]
- Maritain, Jacques: The Things that Are Not Caesar's [w]
- Maritain, Jacques: Freedom in the Modern World [t]
- Maritain, Jacques: The Degrees of Knowledge [t]
- Maritain, Jacques: Man and the State [t]
- Marlowe, Christopher: Doctor Faustus [c]
- Marquand, John P.: The Late George Apley [se]
- Marx, K. and Engels, F.: The Communist Manifesto (1848) [rlf]
- Marx, Karl: Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 [hf]
- Marx, Karl: Capital (1867) [grf]
- Maugham, W. Somerset: Of Human Bondage [lcsb]
- Maupassant: Short Stories [r]
- Mayr, Ernst E.: The Growth of Biological Thought (1982) [h]
- McCullers, Carson: A Member of the Wedding [e]
- McHarg, Ian L.: Design with Nature (1969) [h]
- McLuhan, Marshall: The Medium and the Massage (1967) [f]
- McNeill, William H.: Plagues and Peoples (1976) [h]
- McNeill, William H.: The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community (1963) [hw]
- McPhee, John A.: Encounters with the Archdruid [h]
- Meade, Margaret: New Lives for Old (1956) [f]
- Mehta, Ved: The Fly and the Fly-Bottle: Encounters with British Intellectuals [w]
- Melville, Herman: Omoo [s]
- Melville, Herman: Billy Budd [sb]
- Melville, Herman: The Confidence-Man; His Masquerade (1857) [h]
- Melville, Herman: Typee [es]
- Melville, Herman: Moby Dick [lbegcsr]
- Merleau-Ponty, M.: Phenomenology of perception [a]
- Metzger, Walter P.: Academic Freedom in the Age of the University [h]
- Miles, Margaret R.: Image as Insight: Visual Understanding in W.Christ. and Sec. Culture [h]
- Mill, John Stuart: Utilitarianism [g]
- Mill, John Stuart: Representative Government [g]
- Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty (1859) [lgf]
- Miller, Arthur: The Death of a Salesman [cs]
- Miller, Jonathan: The Body in Question (1978) [f]
- Mills, C. Wright: White Collar [c]
- Milton, John: Areopagitica [lg]
- Milton, John: Sonnets [lg]
- Milton, John: Paradise Lost [lgr]
- Milton, John: On the Morning of Christ's Nativity [lg]
- Milton, John: Lycidas [lg]
- Milton, John: Others [g]
- Mohammad: Koran [r]
- Moliere: Selected Plays [lr]
- Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de: The Misanthrope (1666) [f]
- Monod, Jacques: Chance and Necessity [t]
- Montaigne, Michel de: Essays (1580) [lgrf]
- Moore, G.E.: Principia Ethica (1903) [f]
- More, Thomas: Utopia [r]
- Morgenthau, Hans J.: Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace (1948) [h]
- Morison, Samuel Eliot: Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus (1942) [h]
- Morrison, Philip; Phylis Morrison;Charles,Ray Ames: Powers of Ten [h]
- Muller, Herbert: The Loom of History [w]
- Mumford, Lewis: The Culture of Cities [w]
- Mumford, Lewis: Technics and Civilization (1934) [f]
- Murasaki, Shikubu: The Tale of Genji [h]
- Murray, George Gilbert: Five Stages of Greek Religion [w]
- Nabakov, Vladimir: Lolita [t]
- Namier, Lewis: 1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals [w]
- Narayan, R.K.: Gods, Demons and Others (1964) [f]
- Neumann, Erich: The Origins and History of Consciousness [h]
- Neustadt, Richard E.: Presidential Power (1960) [h]
- Neustadt, Richard E.: Alliance Politics [h]
- Nevins and Commager: A Short History of the United States [l]
- Newman, John Henry: Apologia pro Vita Sua (1864) [f]
- Niebuhr, Reinhold: Moral and Immoral Society (1932) [f]
- Niebuhr, Reinhold: The Nature and Destiny of Man [t]
- Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Selected Other works [l]
- Nietzsche, Friedrich: Beyond Good and Evil (1886) [f]
- Nisbet, Robert: Prejudices: A Philosophical Dictionary (1982) [h]
- Nomad, Max: Apostles of Revolution [w]
- Nordkoff and Hall: The Bounty Trilogy [csb]
- Norris, Frank: The Octopus [e]
- Northrop, F.S.C.: The Meeting of East and West [h]
- O'Flaherty, W.D.: Hindu Myths (1975) [f]
- O'Hara, John: Appointment in Samarra [e]
- O'Neill, Eugene: Plays [r]
- O'Neill, Eugene: Long Day's Journey into Night [t]
- O'Neill, Eugene: The Iceman Cometh [t]
- O'Neill, Eugene: Mourning Becomes Electra [ct]
- Oakeshott, Michael J.: Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays (1962) [h]
- Onions, Richard: The Orig of Eur.Thought About the Body, Mind,Soul,World,Time,Fate [w]
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert: Science and the Common Understanding [h]
- Ortega, Jose and Gasset: The Revolt of the Masses [t]
- Orwell, George: Animal Farm [ct]
- Orwell, George: 1984 [ce]
- Ovid: Metamorphoses (1st century AD) [f]
- Packard, Vance: The Hidden Persuaders (1957) [f]
- Paine: Rights of Man [r]
- Parkman, Francis: The Oregon Trail [cs]
- Parsons, Talcott: The Social System (1951) [h]
- Parsons, Talcott: The Structure of Social Action (1937) [h]
- Pascal, Blaise: Pensees (1669) [lgf]
- Pascal: Others [g]
- Paton, Alan: Cry, the Beloved Country [cs]
- Pepys, Samuel: Diary [sr]
- Percy, Walker: The Moviegoer (1961) [h]
- Pevsner, Nikolaus: Pioneers of Modern Design (1936) [f]
- Planck, Max: Where is Science Going? [t]
- Planck, Max: The Philosophy of Physics [t]
- Planck, Max: Scientific Autobiography [t]
- Plato: Symposium [lcgr]
- Plato: Apology [LCG]
- Plato: Crito [LCG]
- Plato: Meno [lcg]
- Plato: Phaedo (4th century BC) [lcgf]
- Plato: The Republic (c.380BC) [lcgrf]
- Plato: Other Works [g]
- Plutarch: Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans [bcgrf]
- Pocock, D.F.: Understanding Social Anthropology (1976) [f]
- Poe, Edgar Allen: Short Stories and Other Works [lsr]
- Polak, Frederik: The Image of the Future: Enlightening the Past, etc. [w]
- Polanyi, Karl: The Great Transformation (1944) [thw]
- Popper, Karl R.: The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945) [h]
- Popper, Karl R.: Conjectures and refutations: the growth of scientific knowledge [taf]
- Popper, Karl R.: Logik der Forschung (The logic of scientific discovery) [ta]
- Popper, Karl R.: Objective knowledge: an evolutionary approach [a]
- Potter, David M.: People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and The American Character [h]
- Pound, E.: The cantos of Ezra Pound [a]
- Pound, Roscoe: Social Control Through Law (1942) [h]
- Powell, Anthony: A Dance to the Music of Time (1962-75) [h]
- Prall, D.W.: Aesthetic Analysis [h]
- Propp, V.Y.: Morfologiya skazki (Morphology of the folktale) [a]
- Proust, Marcel: A la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of things past) [ltea]
- Quine, W.V.O.: Word and object [a]
- Rabelais: Gargantua and Pantagruel [lger]
- Radin, Paul: Primitive Man as a Philosopher [w]
- Raffel, Burton (trans): Beowulf (1963) [f]
- Rawlings, Marjorie: The Yearling [cb]
- Rawls, John: A Theory of Justice (1971) [ahf]
- Read, Herbert: Art and Industry (1934) [f]
- Reik, Theodore: Listening with the Third Ear (1948) [h]
- Remarque, Erich Maria: All Quiet on the Western Front (1928) [csh]
- Reves, Emery: The Anatomy of Peace (1945) [h]
- Ridley, B.K.: Time, Space and Things (1976) [f]
- Riesmann, David, with Reuel Denny and Nathan Glazer: The Lonely Crowd (1950) [chf]
- Rilke, Ranier Maria: Poems [t]
- Roberts, Kenneth: Northwest Passage [c]
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington: Poems [t]
- Rocker, Rudolf: Anarcho-syndicalism [w]
- Rolvaag, O.E.: Giants in the Earth [c]
- Rossiter, Clinton: The American Presidency [c]
- Rostand, Edmund: Cyrano de Bergerac [csb]
- Rostand, Jean: Can Man Be Modified? (1956) [h]
- Rostovtzeff, Michael: The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire [w]
- Rostow, W.W.: How It All Began: Origins of the Modern Economy (1975) [f]
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: The Social Contract (1762) [f]
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Confessions [lr]
- Ruark, Robert: The Old Man and the Boy [b]
- Russell, Bertrand: Principles of Mathematics [t]
- Russell, Bertrand: Proposed Roads to Freedom [t]
- Russell, Bertrand: Problems of Philosophy [t]
- Sabatier, Auguste: Religions of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit [w]
- Sacks, Oliver: Awakenings (19730 [f]
- Sakharov, Andrei D.: Progress, Coexistence and Intellectual Frededom (1968) [h]
- Salinger, J.D.: Catcher in the Rye [ceb]
- Samuelson, Paul A.: Economics (1953) [h]
- Sandburg, Carl: Abraham Lincoln [csbr]
- Santayana, George: The Life of Reason [tl]
- Santayana, George: Skepticism and Animal Faith [tl]
- Santayana, George: Others [l]
- Sartre, Jean-Paul: L'etre et le neant (Being and nothingness)(1943) [taf]
- Sartre, Jean-Paul: The Age of Reason [c]
- Sartre, Jean-Paul: Nausea [tce]
- Saussure, F.D.: Cours de linguistique generale (Course in general linguistics) [a]
- Schell, Jonathan: The Fate of the Earth [h]
- Schelling, Thomas: The Strategy of Conflict [h]
- Schlaifer, Robert: Analysis of Decision Under Uncertainty [h]
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Vital Center: The Politics of Freedom (1949) [h]
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.: The Imperial Presidency (1973) [f]
- Schrodinger, Erwin: What is Life? [t]
- Schumpeter, Joseph Alois: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy [hw]
- Schwarz-Bart, Andre: The Last of the Just (1959) [h]
- Scott, Sir Walter: Ivanhoe [cs]
- Scott, Sir Walter: Quentin Durward [s]
- Searle, J.R.: Speech acts: an essay in the philosophy of language [a]
- Seidenberg, Roderick: Posthistory Man, An Inquiry [w]
- Selznick, Philip: Leadership in Administration: A Sociological Interpretation(1957) []
- Senden, Marius Von: Space and Sight [w]
- Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Pyrrhonism (c.200) [f]
- Shaara, Michael: The Killer Angels (1974) [h]
- Shah, Idries: The Sufis [w]
- Shahn, Ben: The Shape of Content [h]
- Shakespeare, William: Works (Mer.of Ven.Rom andJ., Henry IV,1&2, Haml.Tro.&Cres.Oth.Tempest) [lcgr]
- Shakespeare, William: Othello (c. 1604) [f]
- Shapiro, David: Neurotic Styles (1965) [h]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Back to Methusalah [cl]
- Shaw, George Bernard: The Devil's Disciple [cls]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Saint Joan [ctls]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Caesar and Cleopatra [cls]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Selected Plays and Prefaces [r]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Pygmalion [cls]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Candida [cls]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Heartbreak House [ctl]
- Shaw, George Bernard: Arms and the Man [cls]
- Sheehy, Eugene Paul: A Guide to Reference Books [h]
- Shelley: Poems [r]
- Sheridan, Richard: The Rivals [cs]
- Sheridan, Richard: The School for Scandal [s]
- Sherwood, Robert: Abe Lincoln in Illinois [c]
- Shirer, William: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich [c]
- Silone, Ignazio: Bread and Wine (1937) [h]
- Sinclair, Upton: The Jungle [e]
- Skinner, B.F.: Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971) [f]
- Smith, Adam: The Wealth of Nations (1776) [grf]
- Smith, Hedrick: The Russians (1976) [h]
- Smith, Henry Nash: Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth (1950) [f]
- Smith, Wilfred Cantwell: The Meaning and End of Religion (1962) [h]
- Snow, C.P.: The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution [c]
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander: The First Circle [t]
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander: The Cancer Ward [t]
- Sophocles: Antigone [glcr]
- Sophocles: Oedipus Rex [glcsrf]
- Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus [glsr]
- Sophocles: Other Plays [g]
- Sorel, George: Reflection on Violence [t]
- Souvarine, Boris: Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism (1935) [h]
- Spade, Mark [Nigel Balchin]: How to Run a Bassoon Factory, or Business Explained (1934) [h]
- Spengler, Oswald: The Decline of the West (1919-22) [h]
- Spinoza, Benedict: Ethics (1677) [f]
- St. Clair, William: That Greece Might Still Be Free [w]
- Steinbeck, John: Of Mice and Men [cs]
- Steinbeck, John: The Grapes of Wrath [ecsr]
- Stendhal: The Red and the Black [l]
- Sterne, Laurence: Tristram Shandy [lger]
- Stevenson, R.L.: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [c]
- Stevenson, R.L.: Treasure Island [cs]
- Stevenson, R.L.: Kidnapped [bsc]
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom's Cabin [ce]
- Strunk, William: Elements of Style [c]
- Swift, Jonathan: Resolutions When I Came To be Old [l]
- Swift, Jonathan: A Modest Proposal [l]
- Swift, Jonathan: Meditations upon a Broomstick [l]
- Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's Travels [lsegr]
- Synge, John: Playboy of the Western World [sc]
- Synge, John: Riders to the Sea [S]
- Talbott, Strobe: Endgame: The Inside Story of SALT II [h]
- Tawney, R.H.: The Acquisitive Society [t]
- Tawney, R.H.: Religion and the Rise of Capitalism [t]
- Thackery, William Makepeace: Vanity Fair [lcesr]
- Thomas, Benjamin P.: Abraham Lincoln (1952) [h]
- Thompson, E.P.: The Making of the English working class [a]
- Thompson, Flora: Lark Rise to Candleford: A Trilogy [w]
- Thompson, Sir D'Arcy Wentworth: On Growth and Form (1917) [hwf]
- Thompson, William: At the Edge of History [w]
- Thoreau, Henry David: Civil Disobedience [l]
- Thoreau, Henry David: Walden [lbscr]
- Thucydides: The History of the Peloponnesian Wars [lgrf]
- Tolstoy, Leo: War and Peace [lger]
- Tolstoy, Leo: The Death of Ivan Ilych (1886) [h]
- Tolstoy, Leo: Anna Karenina [sb]
- Toynbee, Arnold: A Study of History [t]
- Toynbee, Arnold: Change and Habit [t]
- Toynbee, Arnold: Civilization on Trial [t]
- Trevelyan: History of England [l]
- Trilling, Lionel: The Liberal Imagination (1950) [h]
- Trotsky, Leon: History of the Russian Revolution [t]
- Truman, David B.: The Governmental Process (1951) [h]
- Tuchman, Barbara: The Guns of August (1962) [f]
- Turgenev, Ivan: Fathers and Sons [lce]
- Turner, Frederick Jackson: The Frontier in American History (1920) [f]
- Turner, V.W.: The Forest of Symbols (1967) [f]
- Turner, V.W.: The Ritual Process [f]
- Twain, Mark: Tom Sawyer [sc]
- Twain, Mark: Huckleberry Finn [lbsecr]
- Twain, Mark: Connecticut Yankee... [cs]
- Twain, Mark: Life on the Mississippi (1883) [csf]
- Unset, Sigurd: Kristin Lavransdatter [l]
- Veblen, Thorstein: The Theory of the Leisure Class [tr]
- Virgil: The Georgics [c]
- Virgil: The Ecologues [g]
- Virgil: The Aeneid [lgcr]
- Voegelin, Eric: Order and History [w]
- Voltaire: Candide [ceslr]
- von Hayek, Friedrich August: The Constitution of Liberty (1960) [h]
- von Hayek, Friedrich August: Individualism and Economic Order [h]
- Von Mises, Ludwig: Socialism [h]
- Von Neumann, John and Oskar Morgenstern: Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1944) [h]
- Walter, Norman: The Sexual Cycle of Human Warfare [w]
- Walton, Izaak: The Compleat Angler (1653) [f]
- Walzer, Michael: The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Rad. Pol. [h]
- Warren, Robert Penn: All the King's Men (1946) [ceh]
- Watson, James D.: The Double Helix (1968) [h]
- Waugh, Evelyn: Decline and Fall [e]
- Weber, Max: From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (1946) [h]
- Weber, Max: On the Methodology of the Social Science (1904-17) [h]
- Weber, Max: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904) [th]
- Weber, Max: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization (1922) [hf]
- Weber, Max: Essays in Sociology [t]
- Weil, Simone: Waiting for God [t]
- Wells, H.G.: War of the Worlds [c]
- Wells, H.G.: Tono Bungay [c]
- West, E.G.: Education and the State [h]
- West, Jessamyn: The Friendly Persuasion [b]
- West, Nathaniel: Miss Lonely Hearts [e]
- Wharton, Edith: House of Mirth [e]
- Wharton, Edith: Ethan Frome [bsc]
- Wheeler, Mortimer: Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers [w]
- Wheeler-Bennet, Sir John W.: The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918-1945 (195 [h]
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- Whitehead, Alfred North: Modes of Thought [t]
- Whitehead, Alfred North: Process and Reality [t]
- Whitehead, Alfred North: Adventures of Ideas [t]
- Whitehead, Alfred North: Science and the Modern World (1925) [tlchwf]
- Whitehead, Alfred North: An Introduction to Mathematics (1920) [ltf]
- Whitman, Walt: Selected Poems [lr]
- Whyte, William H.: The Organization Man [c]
- Wieman, Henry N: The Source of Human Good (1946) [h]
- Wiener, Norbert: The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society (1950) [h]
- Wilde, Oscar: Picture of Dorian Gray [c]
- Wilde, Oscar: The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) [scf]
- Wilder, Thornton: The Ides of March [e]
- Wilder, Thornton: Our Town (1938) [scf]
- Williams, Eric E.: Capitalism and Slavery: The Caribbean [h]
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- Wilson, Edmund: To the Finland Station (1940) [th]
- Wilson, Edmund: Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Litera. of 1870-1930 [H]
- Wilson, Edmund: Patriotic Gore (1962) [f]
- Wilson, Edmund: Classics and Commercials (1950) [f]
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [ta]
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Philosophische Untersuchungen/Philosophical investigations [taf]
- Wolfe, Thomas: Look Homeward, Angel [ces]
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- Wolfson, Harry A.: Religious Philosophy (1961) [h]
- Woodbridge, Frederick: Nature and Mind [w]
- Woodger, Joseph H.: Biological Principles [t]
- Woolf, Virginia: To the Lighthouse [e]
- Wordsworth, William: Selected Poems [l]
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- Wright, Lawrence: Clockwork Man (1968) [f]
- Wright, Richard: Native Son [e]
- Wylie, Philip: Generation of Vipers (1942) [h]
- Wylie, Philip: An Essay on Morals (1947) [h]
- Yeats, William Butler: The Autobiography [l]
- Yeats, William Butler: Collected Poems [tl]
- Yeats, William Butler: Plays [l]
- York, Herbert F.: Race to Oblivion. [h]
- Zimmer, Heinrich: The King and the Corpse [w]
- Zola, Emile: Germinal [c]