A study of the life of Vernon Wayne Howell, aka David Koresh, so that all might learn from his example. Main biographical reference is Ashes of Waco, Dick J. Reavis, see below.
Be sure to read this first: King James Version of the Bible , translation completed 1611, as supplied through the Gutenberg Project, 1992. This is a zip file, save it to your hard drive. 1.4 Mbyte.
1959. Like Jesus's, Vernon's mother was not married at the time of his conception, and gave birth at a similar age: 14. (Tabor says 15.)
Vernon's mother dropped out of school, ended the affair and married another man but divorced him when Vernon was two. Vernon had been beaten by the stepfather, according to the mother. [Reavis page 23]
Vernon was left with his maternal grandparents, one of whom the mother said was "an alcoholic", from age two to five. Then back with mother and a new stepfather, former lounge owner, and later, like Joseph, a carpenter. According to Vernon, speaking to the FBI, to whom it is illegal to lie, "his mother had been a prostitute. She denies the charge: 'I had some rich boyfriends, and we did a lot of partying and stuff.'" [Reavis page 23-24]
Vernon flunked the first grade twice, the second grade,... Third grade was "Special Ed". He claimed to drop out of the ninth grade, but he was lying; it was eleventh grade. His school nickname: "Mr. Retardo". [Reavis page 25]
His stepfather beat him. Spanking him so "he flew like a kite." [Reavis page 24] "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6. Apparently he did continue in this tradition on his own kids.
Vernon claimed his stepfather was "unfeeling and cold". His mother's life was in "turmoil"; his half-brother went to prison. [Reavis page 25]
He went to the Adventist Church with Grandmother. At age twelve he memorized chunks of the Bible. He started praying in earnest, and God answered. He had ongoing conversations with God. Likewise, Jesus at age 12 amazed those in the Temple with His understanding.
Luke 2:46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. 2:47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. 2:48 And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. 2:49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?
At age 18 he was working as a nonunion carpenter (of course) when he became involved with a sixteen year old (underage) woman with whom he became obsessed. In spite of the Adventist admonition against sin, one thing lead to another. Returning to apologize, it happened again. To avoid this horrible action he stayed away, but got a call when the pregnancy test came back positive. He said to himself, "Me, Mr. Retardo, going to have a baby!" First of many. However, he rebuffed her; she got an abortion, then they lived together in her father's house, got her pregnant again, and got kicked out. End of her story. [Reavis, page 27-29] That child might still be alive (reference soon).
Then he had an religious experience one night sleeping in his pickup truck, based on the hurt he felt from this love relationship. Enveloping presence. Fear. Shaking. Confrontation with a being. Communication via direct image in the mind. Entire life review of "weird and strange and unique an enstrengthening esperiences throughout my whole ... life..... all of a sudden... bang! It hits me all at once..." etc. [Reavis page 29-30. He tells more.]
Four years later, 1981, when he got to Mt. Carmel, he was still moping about the love affair and this experience.
[more soon]
[I intend to insert a paragraph explaining his wives and children. However, it is complicated; I need to finish the research.]
Sunday, February 28, 1993. BATF raid. "Operation Trojan Horse". Four BATF agents dead, several Davidians. Disputed what happened. The BATF videotaped it, but lost the tapes, or the cameras all malfunctioned. BATF budget hearings scheduled in near future, March 10.
Koresh hadn't paid tax on machine guns, it was claimed, thus illegal machine guns. Also some other charges. Reavis says at the time machine guns were legal, but only if registered and $200 tax paid. He says 234,000 Americans owned legal machine guns under this law. [page 34] Machineguns purchased before 1986 can be legally owned, but not transferred. (refernce soon)
the FBI took over the case until the end, April 19.
William Miller, founder of Adventism, believed the Second Coming of Christ would be October 23, 1844. Hundreds all over believed it. It didn't happen, as far as anyone knew. Hiram Edson came up with the explanation based on a vision. Ellen Gould Harmon, aka Ellen G. White, aka Sister White embraced this and had her own visions (300). Ellen White "published more words that any woman in history." Stuff to read. Joseph Bates reinstated Saturday Sabbath. Diet.
Victor Houteff started an offshoot called Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists, and founded the Waco Mt. Carmel colony. The Seven Seals and the Sanctuary diagram, copyright V. T. Houteff. See www.shepherds-rod.org . His works The Shepard's Rod, available for download. See History of Mount Carmel Photo Album. His innovation was that events in the Bible, rather than being unique, recur (in generalities), but with differences.
Mainstream Adventists did not accept them as legitimate. They labeled them "Rodists" or "Rods". see: First Report of Un-Adventist Activities Research Committee :
Dear Church Member:Notice the similarity between "Rods" and "Reds".
You doubtless know that in the last few years our churches have been invaded, as it were, by a group known as Davidian Seventh-day Adventists whose literature is entitled The Shepherd's Rod. Though we as a people have done everything in our power to keep them down and out, yet in spite of it they continue to grow and to stay in our churches. And as it was reported that they have spread and are still spreading all over the Adventist world even more than is apparent, a special investigating committee was organized. The committee, moreover, was made up of men from many of the states and from foreign countries, and as the work was done by both personal contact and correspondence, it covered practically all the Adventist world. Accordingly, the information in its report is not someone's hearsay, but rather first-hand information gathered from many men the world over.Soon after our work began, we found that the greater number of Rodists were underground readers and believers. And though those who came out openly for the Rod and were consequently cast out of the churches, yet they, too, are still in the churches, walking side by side with the members! ....
The Seven Seals, partially explained; Book One and Two. Unfortunately, the author died before finishing. The auther said it was NOT TO BE SOLD. [soon as I find my copy]
[www.sevenseals.com ] [ www.BranchDavidian.com ] [ www.seventrumpets.com ] "This website is an official website of many Branch Davidian survivors who were with David Koresh during the 51 day siege at Mt. Carmel center, located just outside of Waco Texas. These survivors fully support and agree with the message of the book SEVEN SEALS. The book SEVEN SEALS and this website, contain NEW LIGHT (New Truth) as revealed by one of the living survivors." -- copyright Hidden Manna Publishing
So I'm not sure if this is the same revelation or not.
I guess they want to get back in business while the name is
April 19, 1993. FBI decided to force the issue. CS tear gas, methylene chloride (CH2Cl2, dichloromethane). a big fire. 75, 80, 81, 82, dead, depending on what you read. 82 seems to be the best number, far as I can tell.
more soon
President Clinton public statement on Waco fire, April 19, 1993:
local copy
President Clinton Rose Garden speech on Waco fire, April 20, 1993:
local copy
to search White House archives of press releases and speeches:
Government documents and reports: (Available from the Government Printing Office or fancy libraries. Watch this space for a new alternative soon.)
Department of the Treasury/BATF released this report describing the investigation up to and including the February 28 raid:
ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS Investigation of Vernon Wayne Howell
also known as David Koresh
September 1993
Appendix G is online so far: "A Brief History
of Federal Firearms Enforcement"
The Department of Justice/FBI released a four volume set:
Report, the main one
excerpt online so far: "Report and Recommendations Concerning the Handling of Incidents Such As the Branch Davidian Standoff in Waco Texas." To Deputy Attorney General Philip Heymann. Alan A. Stone, M.D. November 10, 1993.
Then there are Congression committee reports, investigations, transcripts.
OVERSIGHT prepared in conjunction with the COMMITTEE ON THE
JUDICIARY together with additional and dissenting views. August 2,
1996. 104 th Congress 2nd Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REPORT
104 749.
local copy,
hr104-749.pdf 767 Kbytes
hr104-749.txt 813 Kbytes
excerpt: additional views of Hon. Bob
Or get same file directly from official congressional website
thomas.loc.gov where they also
have it in html. Go to Committee reports, click "104th", search
There's a senate report one, haven't found on web yet...
more documents here soon.
some chemical information about methylene chloride, CS tear gas, "ferret" 40mm projectiles
Waco: Rules of Engagement. Film documentary on freedom of religion. 1995. Nominated for an Academy Award, "Best Documentary". Now out on video. Information on the web. Note, there are two editions of this video, editions by the director and the producer or somebody (?). I don't know what is different about them. Also, HBO showing was shortened.
coming soon, to a video store or phone call near you, Waco: A New Revelation. the sequel to the above. Due to ship beginning of November, 1999. Here's how to order: 1-800-277-9802. Narratted by former FBI Special Agent Dr. Fred Whitehurst.
The Davidian Massacre: by Carol Moore, a published
book now on web.
by David Thibodeau, Mt. Carmel survivor. Wrote a book. A question
for research: Why, of all the survivors, was he not put on trial
like the rest were?
Sites on Waco are exploding all over.
More stuff and links www.constitution.org/waco/mtcarmel.htm
www.illusions.com/opf , Outpost of Freedom, they think.
Baylor University in Waco and city of Waco are setting up archives.
to understand the revival of the Waco issue, take a look at
Texas Rangers Investigative Report
Branch Davidian Evidence
placed on web September 1999
rolandresearch.com/SRGv1/, an analysis of the FLIR tape and supposed machine gunfire.
The Ashes of Waco: An Investigation. Dick J. Reavis. first edition Simon and Schuster New York: 1995. reprinted: Syracuse University Press web site Audio of Koresh and negotiators, important documentation.
http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/waco123/bdtt_toc/index.htm trial transcripts.
??? www.thesmokinggun.com ?? has the original warrant
authorizing the February 28 raid. I have lost the link.
www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/wacofbi1.shtml document forwarded September 13, 1999, to Danforth, from Rep Waxman (D-Ca) re "use of military tear gas rounds."
http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/waco123/links/index.htm another bag of links.
a list of books on Waco .
(Being worked on.) Example:
Gajdusek, Karl. Waco, Texas, mon amour.
DISSERTATION, 1994. I'm dying to read this one.
Recent news about a Waco government sniper claims that is was the same person who killed Vicki Weaver and son. reference
A witness to the Waco siege, Timothy McVeigh, who incidentally was filmed there by an amateur videographer, went to the Mt. Carmel site in the public area behind the police line twice during the siege; he was so enraged at the government actions, that he struck back..... He explicitly stated that his outrage was a result of the Weaver killings and Branch Davidian holocaust. See, for example:
Hamm, Mark S. Apocalypse in Oklahoma : Waco and Ruby Ridge revenged. Boston : Northeastern University Press, 1997.
When will it ever end?
Life of
Vernon, on the web since September 13, 1999. updated
daily. every decade.