Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 12:18:26 +0100 From: (Jon Locke) Subject: PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEXT 10,000 YEARS. WE all love prredictions. I thought I would go beyond the near future predictions to show what life has in store for us. - Jon PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEXT 10,000 YEARS by Voltron A calendar was discovered in India by Sri Yukteswar which had been lost since the last enlightened age. It revels a calendar of 24,000 years divided into 12 signs of the Zodiac. Each sign rules for 2,000 years. Before you say you knew this already, let me continue. This is familiar astrology, but the exact coordination with the Western Christian calendar is what is NOT known. Allow me to quote from the book THE HOLY SCIENCE page xii, where the calendar appears: "Virgo is the sign opposite Pices. The Autumnal Equinox is now falling in Virgo; the opposite point, the Vernal Equinox, is perforce now falling in Pices. Western metaphysicians, who consider the Vernal Equinox to have chief significance, therefore say the world in now in the 'Piscean Age.'" "The Equinoxes have a retrograde movement in the constellations; hence, when the Equinoxes leave Pices-Virgo, they will enter Aquarius-Leo. According to Swami Sri Yukteswar's theory, the world entered the Pices-Virgo Age in A.D. 499, and will enter the Aquarius-Leo Age two thousand years later, in A.D. 2499." THIS IS THE AGE WHEN THE FINER ELECTRICITIES WILL BE UNDERSTOOD AND USED. THE NEST AGE IS THE AGE OF TRETA YUGA BEGINNING IN 4099. THIS will be known as the Age of Magnetics. This is when the mysteries of Magnetics will be fully understood and used by the majority of people. The True Age of Enlightenment, known as Sayya Yuga, will begin in 8500 AD. It is the time the mysteries of God will be fully comprehended by the vast majority of people on earth. Fortunately the Age of Enlightenment, Satya Yuga, will last longer than the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. In fact it is 8,000 years long as compared to 2,000 years for teh Kali Yuga. So this is good news. ================================================= See "Adventures in the Merkaba" at The Philosopher's Stone for more material on UFOs and Spirituality.. ************************************************* #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # This list created and maintained by Amargi Hillier #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # The Hall of Records site is located at: # # The Flower of Life site is located at: # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # The Merkaba list is dedicated to # < < 34 Drunvalo Melchizedek 21 > > #--------------------------------------------------------------------