John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt
International Policy Department RAND
Copyright 1993 Taylor & Francis
ISSN 0149-5933/93
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The information revolution and related organizational innovations are
altering the nature of conflict and the kinds of military structures,
doctrines, and strategies that will be needed. This study introduces
two concepts for thinking about these issues: "cyberwar" and "netwar."
Industrialization led to attritional warfare by massive armies (e.g.,
World War I). Mechanization led to maneuver predominated by tanks
(e.g., World War II). The information revolution implies the rise of
cyberwar, in which neither mass nor mobility will decide outcomes;
instead, the side that knows more, that can disperse the fog of war
yet enshroud an adversary in it, will enjoy decisive advantages.
Communications and intelligence have always been important. At
a minimum, cyberwar implies that they will grow more so and will
develop as adjuncts to overall military strategy. In this sense,
it resembles existing notions of "information war" that emphasize
C3I. However, the information revolution may imply overarching
effects that necessitate substantial modifications to military
organization and force posture. Cyberwar may be to the twenty first
century what blitzkrieg was to the twentieth. It may also provide
a way for the U.S. military to increase "punch" with less "paunch."
Whereas cyberwar refers to knowledge-related conflict at the military
level, netwar applies to societal struggles most often associated with
low intensity conflict by non-state actors, such as terrorists, drug
cartels, or black market proliferators of weapons of mass destruction.
Both concepts imply that future conflicts will be fought more by
"networks" than by "hierarchies," and that whoever masters the network
form will gain major advantages. "Knowledge must become capability." --
Carl von Clausewitz, On War
Suppose that war looked like this: Small numbers of light, highly
mobile forces defeat and compel the surrender of large masses of
heavily armed, dug-in enemy forces, with little loss of life on
either side. The mobile forces can do this because they are well
prepared, make room for maneuver, concentrate their firepower
rapidly in unexpected places, and have superior command, control,
and information systems that are decentralized to allow tactical
initiatives, yet provide central commanders with unparalleled
intelligence and "topsight" for strategic purposes. Warfare is no
longer primarily a function of who puts the most capital, labor, and
technology on the battlefield, but of who has the best information
about the battlefield. What distinguishes the victors is their grasp
of information--not only from the mundane standpoint of knowing how to
find the enemy while keeping it in the dark, but also in doctrinal and
organizational terms. The analogy is rather like a chess game where
you see the entire board, but your opponent sees only his own pieces;
you can win even if he is allowed to start with additional powerful
pieces. We might appear to be extrapolating from the U.S. victory
in the Persian Gulf war against Iraq. But our vision is inspired
more by the example of the Mongols of the thirteenth century. Their
"hordes" were almost always outnumbered by their opponents, yet they
conquered, and held for over a century, the largest continental empire
ever seen. The key to Mongol success was their absolute dominance
of battlefield information. They struck when and where they deemed
appropriate, and their "arrow riders" kept field commanders, often
separated by hundreds of miles, in daily communication. Even the Great
Khan, sometimes thousands of miles away, was aware of developments
in the field within days of their occurrence. Absent the galvanizing
threat that used to be posed by the Soviet Union, domestic political
pressures will encourage the United States to make do with a smaller
military in the future. The type of war- fighting capability that we
envision, which is inspired by the Mongol example, but drawn mainly
from our analysis of the information revolution, may allow America to
protect itself and its far-flung friends and interests, regardless of
the size and strength of our potential future adversaries. The Advance
of Technology and Know-How Throughout history, military doctrine,
organization, and strategy have continually undergone profound changes,
owing in part to technological breakthroughs. The Greek phalanx,
the combination of gun and sail, the levee en masse, the blitzkrieg,
the Strategic Air Command: history is filled with examples in which
new weapon, propulsion, communication, and transportation technologies
provided a basis for advantageous shifts in doctrine, organization,
and strategy that enabled innovators to avoid exhausting attritional
battles and pursue instead a form of "decisive" warfare.[1]
a variety of new technologies are again taking hold, and further
innovations are on the way. The most enticing include non- nuclear
high-explosives, precision-guided munitions, stealth designs for
aircraft, tanks, and ships, radio-electronic combat (REC) systems,
new electronics for intelligence-gathering, interference, and
deception, new information and communications systems that improve
command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) functions,
and futuristic designs for space-based weapons and for automated
and robotic warfare. In addition, virtual reality systems are being
developed for simulation and training. Many of these advances enter
into a current notion of a military technology revolution (MTR).[2]
The future of war--specifically the U.S. ability to anticipate and
wage war--will be shaped in part by how these technological advances
are assessed and adopted. Yet, as military historians frequently warn,
technology permeates war but does not govern it. It is not technology
per se, but rather the organization of technology, broadly defined,
that is important. Russell Weigley describes the situation this way:
"... the technology of war does not consist only of instruments
intended primarily for the waging of war. A society's ability to wage
war depends on every facet of its technology: its roads, its transport
vehicles, its agriculture, its industry, and its methods of organizing
its technology. As Van Creveld puts it, 'behind military hardware
there is hardware in general, and behind that there is technology
as a certain kind of know-how, as a way of looking at the world and
coping with its problems.'"[3]
In our view, the technological shift
that matches this broad view is the information revolution. This
is what will bring the next major shift in the nature of conflict
and warfare. Effects of the Information Revolution The information
revolution reflects the advance of computerized information and
communications technologies and related innovations in organization
and management theory. Sea-changes are occurring in how information
is collected, stored, processed, communicated, and presented, and
in how organizations are designed to take advantage of increased
information.[4] Information is becoming a strategic resource that
may prove as valuable and influential in the post- industrial
era as capital and labor have been in the industrial age. Advanced
information and communications systems, properly applied, can improve
the efficiency of many kinds of activities. But improved efficiency is
not the only, or even the best, possible effect. The new technology
is also having a transforming effect, for it disrupts old ways of
thinking and operating, provides capabilities to do things differently,
and suggests how some things may be done better if done differently:
"The consequences of new technology can be usefully thought of as
first-level, or efficiency, effects and second-level, or social system,
effects. The history of previous technologies demonstrates that early
in the life of a new technology, people are likely to emphasize the
efficiency effects and underestimate or overlook potential social
system effects. Advances in networking technologies now make it
possible to think of people, as well as databases and processors,
as resources on a network. "Many organizations today are installing
electronic networks for first-level efficiency reasons. Executives now
beginning to deploy electronic mail and other network applications can
realize efficiency gains such as reduced elapsed time for transactions.
If we look beyond efficiency at behavioral and organizational changes,
we'll see where the second-level leverage is likely to be. These
technologies can change how people spend their time and what and who
they know and care about. The full range of payoffs, and the dilemmas,
will come from how the technologies affect how people can think and
work together--the second-level effects" (Sproull and Kiesler, 1991:
15- 16). The information revolution, in both its technological and
non- technological aspects, sets in motion forces that challenge the
design of many institutions. It disrupts and erodes the hierarchies
around which institutions are normally designed. It diffuses and
redistributes power, often to the benefit of what may be considered
weaker, smaller actors. It crosses borders, and redraws the boundaries
of offices and responsibilities. It expands the spatial and temporal
horizons that actors should take into account. Thus, it generally
compels closed systems to open up. But while this may make life
difficult, especially for large, bureaucratic, aging institutions, the
institutional form per se is not becoming obsolete. Institutions of all
types remain essential to the organization of society. The responsive,
capable institutions will adapt their structures and processes to the
information age. Many will evolve from traditional hierarchical forms
to new, flexible, network-like models of organization. Success will
depend on learning to interlace hierarchical and network principles.[5]
Meanwhile, the very changes that trouble institutions, such as
the erosion of hierarchy, favor the rise of multi-organizational
networks. Indeed, the information revolution is strengthening the
importance of all forms of networks, such as social networks and
communications networks. The network form is very different from the
institutional form. While institutions (large ones, in particular) are
traditionally built around hierarchies and aim to act on their own,
multi-organizational networks consist of (often small) organizations
or parts of institutions that have linked together to act jointly. The
information revolution favors the growth of such networks by making
it possible for diverse, dispersed actors to communicate, consult,
coordinate, and operate together across greater distances, and on
the basis of more and better information than ever before.[6] These
points bear directly on the future of the military, and of conflict
and warfare more generally. Both Netwar and Cyberwar Are Likely The
thesis of this thinkpiece is that the information revolution will cause
shifts, both in how societies may come into conflict and how their
armed forces may wage war. We offer a distinction between what we call
"netwar"--societal-level ideational conflicts waged in part through
internetted modes of communication--and "cyberwar" at the military
level. These terms are admittedly novel, and better ones may yet be
devised.[7] But, for now, they help illuminate a useful distinction,
and identify the breadth of ways in which the information revolution
may alter the nature of conflict short of war, as well as the context
and the conduct of warfare.[8] While both netwar and cyberwar revolve
around information and communications matters, at a deeper level they
are forms of war about "knowledge," about who knows what, when, where,
and why, and about how secure a society or a military is regarding
its knowledge of itself and its adversaries.[9] Explaining Netwar
Netwar refers to information-related conflict at a grand level between
nations or societies. It means trying to disrupt, damage, or modify
what a target population knows or thinks it knows about itself and
the world around it. A netwar may focus on public or elite opinion,
or both. It may involve public diplomacy measures, propaganda and
psychological campaigns, political and cultural subversion, deception
of or interference with local media, infiltration of computer networks
and databases, and efforts to promote dissident or opposition movements
across computer networks. Thus, designing a strategy for netwar may
mean grouping together from a new perspective a number of measures
that have been used before but were viewed separately. In other
words, netwar represents a new entry on the spectrum of conflict that
spans economic, political, and social, as well as military forms of
"war." In contrast to economic wars that target the production and
distribution of goods, and political wars that aim at the leadership
and institutions of a government, netwars would be distinguished by
their targeting of information and communications. Like other forms
on this spectrum, netwars would be largely non- military, but they
could have dimensions that overlap into military war. For example,
an economic war may involve trade restrictions, the dumping of goods,
the illicit penetration and subversion of businesses and markets in a
target country, and the theft of technology, none of which need involve
the armed forces. Yet an economic war may also come to include an armed
blockade or strategic bombing of economic assets, meaning it has also
become a military war. In like manner, a netwar that leads to targeting
an enemy's military C3I capabilities turns, at least in part, into what
we mean by cyberwar. Netwar will take various forms, depending on the
actors. Some may occur between the governments of rival nation-states.
In some respects, the U.S. and Cuban governments are already engaged in
a netwar. This is manifested in the activities of Radio and TV Marti
on the U.S. side, and on Castro's side by the activities of pro-Cuban
support networks around the world. Other kinds of netwar may arise
between governments and non-state actors. For example, netwar may be
waged by governments against illicit groups and organizations involved
in terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or drug
smuggling. Or, to the contrary, it may be waged against the policies
of specific governments by advocacy groups and movements, involving,
for example, environmental, human-rights, or religious issues. The
non-state actors may or may not be associated with nations, and in
some cases they may be organized into vast transnational networks and
coalitions. Another kind of netwar may occur between rival non-state
actors, with governments maneuvering on the sidelines to prevent
collateral damage to national interests and perhaps to support one
side or another. This is the most speculative kind of netwar, but
the elements for it have already appeared, especially among advocacy
movements around the world. Some movements are increasingly organizing
into cross-border networks and coalitions, identifying more with the
development of civil society (even global civil society) than with
nation-states, and using advanced information and communications
technologies to strengthen their activities. This may well turn out
to be the next great frontier for ideological conflict, and netwar may
be a prime characteristic. Most netwars will probably be non-violent,
but in the worst cases one could combine the possibilities into some
mean low-intensity conflict scenarios. Martin Van Creveld (1991:
197) does this when he worries that, "In the future, war will not
be waged by armies but by groups whom today we call terrorists,
guerrillas, bandits and robbers, but who will undoubtedly hit on
more formal titles to describe themselves." In his view, war between
states will diminish, and the state may become obsolete as a major
form of societal organization. Our views coincide with many of Van
Creveld's, though we do not believe that the state is even potentially
obsolete. Rather, it will be transformed by these developments. Some
netwars will involve military issues. Possible issue areas include
nuclear proliferation, drug smuggling, and anti-terrorism because of
the potential threats they pose to international order and national
security interests. Moreover, broader societal trends (e.g., the
redefinition of security concepts, the new roles of advocacy groups,
the blurring of traditional boundaries between what is military and
what is non-military, between what is public and what is private,
and between what pertains to the state and what pertains to society)
may engage the interests of at least some military offices in some
netwar-related activities. Netwars are not real wars, traditionally
defined. But netwar might be developed into an instrument for trying,
early on, to prevent a real war from arising. Deterrence in a chaotic
world may become as much a function of one's cyber posture and presence
as of one's force posture and presence. Explaining Cyberwar Cyberwar
refers to conducting, and preparing to conduct, military operations
according to information-related principles. It means disrupting,
if not destroying, information and communications systems, broadly
defined to include even military culture, on which an adversary relies
in order to know itself: who it is, where it is, what it can do when,
why it is fighting, which threats to counter first, and so forth. It
means trying to know everything about an adversary while keeping
the adversary from knowing much about oneself. It means turning the
"balance of information and knowledge" in one's favor, especially
if the balance of forces is not. It means using knowledge so that
less capital and labor may have to be expended. This form of warfare
may involve diverse technologies, notably for C3I, for intelligence
collection, processing, and distribution, for tactical communications,
positioning, and identification-friend-or- foe (IFF), and for "smart"
weapons systems, to give but a few examples. It may also involve
electronically blinding, jamming, deceiving, overloading, and intruding
into an adversary's information and communications circuits. Yet,
cyberwar is not simply a set of measures based on technology. And it
should not be confused with past meanings of computerized, automated,
robotic, or electronic warfare. Cyberwar may have broad ramifications
for military organization and doctrine. As noted, the literature on
the information revolution calls for organizational innovations, so
that different parts of an institution function like interconnected
networks rather than separate hierarchies. Thus, cyberwar may
imply some institutional redesign for a military in both intra- and
inter-service areas. Moving to networked structures may require some
decentralization of command and control, which may well be resisted in
light of earlier views that the new technology would provide greater
central control of military operations. But decentralization is only
part of the picture: the new technology may also provide greater
"topsight," a central understanding of the big picture that enhances
the management of complexity.[10] Many treatments of organizational
redesign laud decentralization; yet decentralization alone is not the
key issue. The pairing of decentralization with topsight brings the
real gains. Cyberwar may also imply developing new doctrines about the
kinds of forces needed, where and how to deploy them, and what and how
to strike on the enemy's side. How and where to position what kinds
of computers and related sensors, networks, databases, and so forth.,
may become as important as the question once was for the deployment
of bombers and their support functions. Cyberwar may also have
implications for integrating the political and psychological with the
military aspects of warfare. In sum, cyberwar may raise broad issues
of military organization and doctrine, as well as strategy, tactics,
and weapons design. It may be applicable in low- and high-intensity
conflicts, in conventional and non-conventional environments, and
for defensive or offensive purposes. As an innovation in warfare,
we anticipate that cyberwar may be to the twenty first century what
blitzkrieg was to the twentieth century. Yet, for now, we also believe
that the concept is too speculative for precise definition. At a
minimum, it represents an extension of the traditional importance
of obtaining information in war: having superior C3I and trying to
locate, read, surprise, and deceive the enemy before he does the same
to you. That remains important no matter what overall strategy is
pursued. In this sense, the concept means that information-related
factors are more important than ever due to new technologies, but it
does not indicate a break with tradition. Indeed, it resembles Thomas
Rona's (1976: 2) concept of an "information war" that is "intertwined
with, and superimposed on, other military operations." Our concept is
broader than Rona's, which focused on countermeasures to degrade an
enemy's weapons systems while protecting one's own; yet, we believe
that this approach to defining cyberwar will ultimately prove too
limiting. In a deeper sense, cyberwar signifies a transformation
in the nature of war. This, we believe, will prove to be the better
approach to defining cyberwar. Our position is at odds with a view
(see Arnett 1992) that uses the terms "hyperwar" and "cyberwar" to
claim that the key implication of the MTR is the automated battlefield,
that future wars will be fought mainly by "brilliant" weapons, robots,
and autonomous computers, that man will be subordinate to the machine,
and that combat will be unusually fast and laden with stand-off
attacks. This view errs in its understanding of the effects of the
information revolution, and our own view differs on every point.
Cyberwar is about organization as much as technology. It implies
new man-machine interfaces that amplify man's capabilities, not a
separation of man and machine. In some situations, combat may be waged
fast and from afar, but in many other situations, it may be slow and
close-in. New combinations of far and close and fast and slow may be
the norm, not one extreme or the other. The post-modern battlefield
stands to be fundamentally altered by the information technology
revolution, at both the strategic and tactical levels. The increasing
breadth and depth of this battlefield and the ever-improving accuracy
and destructiveness of even conventional munitions have heightened
the importance of C3I matters to the point where dominance in this
aspect alone may now yield consistent war- winning advantages
to able practitioners. Yet cyberwar is a much broader idea than
attacking an enemy's C3I systems while improving and defending one's
own. In Clausewitz's sense, it is characterized by the effort to
turn knowledge into capability. Indeed, even though its full design
and implementation requires advanced technology, cyberwar is not
reliant upon advanced technology per se. The continued development of
advanced information and communications technologies is crucial for
U.S. military capabilities. But cyberwar, whether waged by the United
States or other actors, does not necessarily require the presence of
advanced technology. The organizational and psychological dimensions
may be as important as the technical. Cyberwar may actually be waged
with low technology under some circumstances.
Our contention is that netwar and cyberwar
represent new (and related) modes of conflict that will be increasingly
important in the future. The information revolution implies--indeed, it
assures--that a sea-change is occurring in the nature of conflict and
warfare. Yet both new modes have many historical antecedents; efforts
have been made in the direction of conducting warfare from cyber-like
perspectives in the past. Information, communications, and control are
enduring concerns of warfighters. There is much historical evidence,
tactical and strategic, that attempting to pierce the "fog of war"
and envelop one's foe in it has played a continuing role.[11] In the
Second Punic War of the third century B.C., Carthaginian forces under
the command of Hannibal routinely stationed observers with mirrors on
hilltops, keeping their leader apprised of Roman movements, while the
latter remained ignorant of his. Better communications contributed
significantly to the ability of Hannibal's forces to win a string
of victories over a 16-year period. In the most dramatic example of
the use of superior information, Hannibal's relatively small forces
were able rise literally from the fog of war at Lake Trasimene to
destroy a Roman army more than twice its size.[12] Another famous,
more recent example, occurred during the Napoleonic Wars. The British
Royal Navy's undisputed command of the Mediterranean Sea, won at
the Battle of the Nile in 1798, cut the strategic sea communications
of Bonaparte's expeditionary force in North Africa, leading to its
disastrous defeat. The invaders were stranded in Egypt without
supplies or their commander, after Napoleon's flight, where they
remained until the British came to take them prisoner. A few years
later in the same conflict, Lord Cochrane's lone British frigate was
able to put French forces into total confusion along virtually the
entire Mediterranean coast of occupied Spain and much of France. The
French relied for their communications on a semaphore system to alert
their troops to trouble and to tell coastal vessels when they could
safely sail. Cochrane raided these signalling stations, then struck
spectacularly, often in conjunction with Spanish guerrilla forces,
while French communications were disrupted.[13] Story upon story
could be drawn from military history to illuminate the significance
of information and communications factors. But this is meant to be
only a brief paper to posit the concept of cyberwar. Better we turn
directly to an early example, a virtual model of this upcoming mode of
warfare. The Mongols: An Early Example of Cyberwar Efforts to strike
at the enemy's communications and ensure the safety of one's own are
found, to varying degrees, throughout history. Yet the Mongol way
of warfare, which reached its zenith in the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, may be the closest that anyone has come to waging pure
cyberwar (or netwar, for that matter). Examining Mongol military praxis
should, therefore, be instructive in developing the foundations for
waging war in a like manner in the post-modern world. The Mongol
example also reinforces the point that cyberwar does not depend
on high technology, but rather on how one thinks about conflict
and strategic interaction. At the military level, Mongol doctrine
relied for success almost entirely on learning exactly where their
enemies were, while keeping their own whereabouts a secret until they
attacked. This enabled them, despite a chronic inferiority in numbers,
to overthrow the finest, largest armies of Imperial China, Islam,
and Christendom. The simplest way to illustrate their advantage is
to suggest an analogy with chess: war against the Mongols resembled
playing against an opponent who can hide the dispositions of his
pieces, but who can see the placement of both his and yours. Under such
conditions, the player with knowledge of both sides' deployments could
be expected to triumph with many fewer pieces. Moreover, the addition
of even significant forces to the semi-blinded side would generate
no requirement for a similar increase on the "sighted" side. (Thus,
the similarity is not so much to chess as to its cousin, kriegspiel,
in which both players start "blind" to their opponent's position. In
our analogy, one player can see through the barrier that is normally
placed between the boards of the players.) So it was with the
Mongols. In one of their greatest campaigns, against the mighty
Muslim empire of Khwarizm (located approximately on the territory
of today's Iran, Iraq, and portions of the Central Asian republics
of the former Soviet Union), a Mongol army of some 125,000 toppled a
foe whose standing armies amounted to nearly half a million troops,
with a similar number of reserves. How could this happen? The answer is
that the Mongols identified the linear, forward dispositions of their
foes and avoided them. Instead, they worked around the defenders,
making a point of waylaying messengers moving between the capital
and the front. Muhammad Ali Shah, the ruler of Khwarizm, took the
silence from the front as a good sign, until one day a messenger,
having narrowly escaped a Mongol patrol, made his way into the capital,
Samarkand. Muhammad inquired about the news from his army and was told
that the frontier was holding. The messenger went on to add, however,
that he had observed a large Mongol army but a day's march from the
capital. The shah fled and his capital fell swiftly. This news, when
given to the frontier armies, led to a general capitulation. Muhammad
ended his days in hiding on the island of Abeshkum in the Caspian
Sea, where he contracted and died from pleurisy. The campaign against
Khwarizm is typical of the Mongol strategic approach of first blinding
an opponent, then striking at his heart (i.e., going for checkmate).
Battles were infrequently fought, as they were often unnecessary for
achieving war aims. There were times, however, when confrontations
could not be avoided. When this happened, the Mongols relied heavily on
coordinated operations designed to break down the plans and controls
of their opponents. Against the Polish-Prussian coalition forces at
the battle of Liegnitz, for example, the Mongols engaged and defeated
an army some four times their size. Their success was based on keeping
a clear picture of the defending coalition's order of battle, while
confusing the opponents as to their own whereabouts. Thus, portions of
the Western army chased after small detachments that were simple lures,
and ended up in the clutches of the Mongol main force. The Poles and
Prussians were defeated piecemeal. Indeed, the Mongols were so sure of
their information that they repeatedly used a river crossing during the
battle in the intervals between its use by the Poles and Prussians.[14]
What about Mongol advantages in mobility and firepower? Certainly,
their ability to move a division some 80 miles per day was superior
to other armies, and their horn bows did outrange those of their
enemies by 50-100 yards, on average. But neither of thes factors
could offset their foes advantages in fortification technology,
and the body armor of Western forces gave them distinct advantages
over the Mongols in close combat. Thus, Mongol tactical operations
were often significantly stymied by defended cities,[15] and close
engagements were exceedingly hard fought, with the Mongols suffering
heavily. Indeed, the ferocity and effectiveness of the Prusso-Polish
forces at Liegnitz, especially their cavalry, may have deterred the
Mongols from continuing their invasion of Europe.[16] At the battle of
Hims, the Mamelukes showed that the forces of Islam could also defeat
the Mongols tactically. What neither Islam nor Christendom could do
consistently, however, was outwit the Mongols strategically. Clearly,
the key to Mongol success was superior command, control, communication,
and intelligence. Scouts and messengers always took along three or
four extra horses, tethered, so that they could switch mounts and
keep riding when one grew tired. This gave the Mongol horsemen,
in relative terms, something approximating an ability to provide
real-time intelligence, almost as from a satellite, on the enemy's
order of battle and intentions. At the same time, this steppe-version
of the pony express (the Khan called them "arrow riders") enabled field
generals to keep the high command, often thousands of miles from the
theater of war, informed as to all developments within four or five
days of their occurrence. For communication between field forces, the
Mongols also employed a sophisticated semaphore system that allowed
for swift tactical shifts as circumstances demanded. Organizationally,
the Mongols emphasized decentralized command in the field, unlike
their foes who were generally required to wait for orders from their
capitals. Yet by developing a communication system that kept their
leadership apprised at all times, the Mongols enjoyed topsight as well
as decentralization. The Khan "advanced his armies on a wide front,
controlling them with a highly developed system of communication";
that was the secret of his success (Chambers 1985:43). In strategic
terms, the Mongols aimed first to disrupt an enemy's communications,
then to strike at his heart. Unlike Clausewitz, they put little store
in the need to destroy enemy forces before advancing. Also, Mongol
campaigns were in no way "linear." They struck where they wished, when
circumstances were deemed favorable. That their Christian and Muslim
foes seldom emulated the Mongol's organizational and communication
techniques is to their great discredit. When, finally, the Mamelukes
defeated the Mongols attempted invasion of Egypt, it was because they
kept track of Mongol movements and were led in the field by their king,
Kilawan, who exercised rapid, effective control of his forces in the
fluid battle situations that ensued. Also, the Mamelukes, employing
carrier pigeons, had developed faster strategic communications than
even the Mongols' arrow riders, allowing them to mass troops in time to
defend effectively.[17] As much as they form a paradigm for cyberwar,
the Mongols were also adept at netwar. Early in their campaigns,
they used terror tactics to weaken resistance. At the outset of any
invasion, they broadcast that any city that resisted would be razed
and its inhabitants slaughtered. Surrender, on the other hand, would
result simply in coming under Mongol suzerainty; this entailed some
initial rape and pillage, but thereafter settled into a distracted sort
of occupation. As a result, peaceful surrenders were plentiful. In
later campaigns, when the Mongols learned that both Christians and
Muslims saw them as the dark forces of Gog and Magog, heralding the
"end of times," they deliberately cultivated this image. They renamed
themselves Tartars, as though they were the minions of "tartarum,"
the biblical nether world. Later, when it was clear that the world was
not ending, the Mongols willingly adopted both Christianity and Islam,
whichever eased the burden of captivity for particular peoples. This
utilitarian approach to religion impeded the formation of opposing
coalitions. Some analysts have argued that the Mongols represent
an early experiment with blitzkrieg.[18] In our view, however, the
differences between cyberwar and blitzkrieg are significant, and
the Mongols reflect the former more than the latter. Blitzkrieg,
People's War, and Beyond The relative importance of war against
an enemy's command, control, and communications increased with the
advent of mechanized warfare. In World War II, the German blitzkrieg
doctrine--in some ways a forerunner of cyberwar--made the disruption of
enemy communications and control an explicit goal at both the tactical
and strategic levels. For example, the availability of radios in
all of its tanks provided Germany with a tactical-force multiplier
in its long war with the Soviet Union, whose tanks, though more
numerous and better built, provided radios only for commanders.[19]
At the strategic level, the destruction of the Soviets' central
communications and control site, by capturing Moscow, was a key element
of the planning for Operation Barbarossa. But when an opportunity
arose during the campaign to win large material gains in the Ukraine,
Hitler diverted General Guderian's panzers away from their approach to
Moscow, and it was never taken. There would be no "lightning" victory
for the Germans, who soon found themselves on the weaker side of a
massive attritional struggle, doomed to defeat.[20] Following WWII,
information and communication technologies improved greatly in the
major industrialized nations, and the important wars with lessons
for cyberwar were between these nations and the underdeveloped ones
of the Third World. A comparison of two key conflicts illuminates
the growing importance and applicability of cyberwar principles: the
one a peoples' war waged by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong in the
1960s and 1970s, and the recent, more conventional conflict between
the American-led coalition and Iraq. Both wars represent turning
points. In the case of Vietnam, the enemy may have applied cyber
principles more effectively than did the United States, not only in
military areas, but also where cyberwar cuts into the political and
societal dimensions of conflict. In the case of the war against Iraq,
the United States did superior work applying cyberwar principles
(they were not called that at the time, of course) against an enemy
whose organization, doctrine, strategy, and tactics were from a
different era. In the Vietnam war, the United States appeared to have
advantages up and down the chain of command and control, from the
construction of quantitative indicators and computerized models and
databases for analyzing the course of the war in Washington, through
field radios for calling in prompt airstrikes, reinforcements, and
rescue operations. But the thrall of computerization and quantitative
techniques led analysts to overlook the softer, subtler aspects of the
war where the enemy was winning. The excellence of U.S. communications
capabilities encouraged inappropriate intrusion from above into battles
and campaigns best planned and waged within the theater. While U.S.
forces had superior tactical communications, the guerrillas'
strategic communications were largely unaffected. Meanwhile, the
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong operated on Mao Zedong's doctrine that
"command must be centralized for strategical purposes and decentralized
for tactical purposes" (Mao 1961: 114)[21]--a classic combination of
topsight and decentralization. The United States, on the other hand,
appears to have allowed the timely availability of vast quantities
of information at high levels to seduce leadership into maintaining
central tactical as well as strategic control, and into believing that
they had topsight when they did not. The Vietnam example illustrates
our point that good communications, though they provide necessary
conditions, are insufficient to enable one to fight a cyberwar. For
this endeavor, a doctrinal view of the overarching importance and
value of maintaining one's own communications, while disabling the
adversary's, is requisite. This entails the development of tactics
and operational strategies that discard the basic tenets of both
set-piece and even traditional maneuver warfighting theories. Neither
the grinding attritional approach of Grant nor the explosive thrusts
of Guderian will suffice. Instead, radically different models must be
considered that focus upon the objective of systemically disorganizing
the enemy. To some extent, the recent American experience in the Gulf
War suggests that an increasing sensitivity to cyber principles is
taking hold. First, it was made quite clear by President Bush that
he had no intention of micro-managing tactical or even operationally
strategic actions. This is, in itself, a stark contrast to the classic
image of President Johnson poring over maps of North Vietnam, selecting
each of the targets to be hit by Operation Rolling Thunder. The
military operations brought significant cyber elements into play,
often utilizing them as "force multipliers" (Powell 1992). The Apache
helicopter strike against Iraqi air defense controls at the war's
outset is but one, albeit very important, example. Also, the allied
coalition had good knowledge of Iraqi dispositions, while the latter
were forced to fight virtually blind. Along these lines, a further
example of the force multiplying effect of command of information is
provided by the ability of a relatively small (less than 20,000 troops)
Marine force afloat to draw away from the landward front and tie down
roughly 125,000 Iraqi defenders. A significant effort was also made
to employ netwar principles in the Gulf war. The construction of an
international consensus against the Iraqi aggression, backed by the
deployment of large, mechanized forces, was intended to persuade Saddam
Hussein to retreat. His intransigent behavior suggests that his vision
of war was of a prior generation. An Implication: Institutions Versus
Networks >From a traditional standpoint, a military is an institution
that fields armed forces. The form that all institutions normally
take is the hierarchy, and militaries in particular depend heavily
on hierarchy. Yet, the information revolution is bound to erode
hierarchies and redraw the boundaries around which institutions
and their offices are normally built. Moreover, the information
revolution favors organizational network designs. These points
were made in the first section of this paper. This second section
leads to related insights, based on a quick review of history. The
Mongols, a classic example of an ancient force that fought according
to cyberwar principles, were organized more like a network than a
hierarchy. More recently, a relatively minor military power that
defeated a great modern power--the combined forces of North Vietnam
and the Viet Cong--operated in many respects more like a network
than an institution; it even extended political- support networks
abroad. In both cases, the Mongols and the Vietnamese, their defeated
opponents were large institutions whose forces were designed to
fight set-piece attritional battles. To this may be added a further
set of observations drawn from current events. Most adversaries that
the United States and its allies face in the realm of low-intensity
conflict, such as international terrorists, guerrilla insurgents,
drug smuggling cartels, ethnic factions, as well as racial and tribal
gangs, are all organized like networks (although their leadership may
be quite hierarchical). Perhaps a reason that military (and police)
institutions have difficulty engaging in low-intensity conflicts is
because they are not meant to be fought by institutions. The lesson:
Institutions can be defeated by networks, and it may take networks to
counter networks. The future may belong to whoever masters the network
form. ISSUES FOR THE FUTURE The implications of a revolutionary
technology are often not widely perceived at first. That was true
of the tank, the machine gun, and the telephone. For example, with
their newly developed, rapid firing mitrailleuse, the French enjoyed
a tremendous potential firepower advantage over the Prussians in
1870. Unfortunately, this early version of the machine gun looked
more like a fieldpiece instead of a rifle, and it was deployed
behind the front with the artillery. Thus, the weapon that would
dominate World War I a generation later had almost no effect on
the Franco-Prussian conflict. People try to fit new technology into
established ways of doing things; it is expected to prove itself in
terms of existing standards of efficiency and effectiveness. It may
take time to realize that inserting new technology into old ways may
create some new inefficiencies, even as some activities become more
efficient. It may take still more time to realize that the activity
itself, in both its operational and organizational dimensions,
should be restructured, even transformed, in order to realize the
full potential of the technology.[22] This pattern is documented in
the early histories of the telephone and the electric motor, and is
being repeated with computer applications in the business world. Why
should anything different be expected for cyberwar? New information
technology applications have begun to transform the business world
both operationally and organizationally. The government world is,
for the most part, moving slowly in adopting the information
technology revolution. One might expect the military world to lag
behind both the business and government worlds, partly because
of its greater dependence on hierarchical traditions. But in
fact, parts of the U.S. military are showing a keen interest in
applying the information revolution. As this unfolds, a constant,
but often halting, contentious interplay between operational and
organizational innovations should be expected. Growing Awareness
of the Information Revolution An awareness is spreading in some
U.S. military circles that the information revolution may transform
the nature of warfare. One hears that the MTR implies a period of
re-evaluation and experimentation not unlike the one in the 1920s
and 1930s that resulted in Germany's breakthrough formulation of
the blitzkrieg doctrine. New questions are being asked about how to
apply the new technology in innovative ways. For example, one set of
arguments holds that the MTR may increasingly enable armed forces to
stand off and destroy enemy targets with high precision weapons fired
from great distances, including from outer space. But, another set
holds that the information revolution may drive conflict and warfare
toward the low-intensity end of the scale, giving rise to new forms
of close-in combat. Clearly, military analysts and strategists are
just beginning to identify the questions and call for the required
thinking. The military, like much of the business world, remains in
a stage of installing pieces of the new technology to make specific
operations more effective. Indeed, techniques that we presume would
be essential to cyberwar may be used to improve the cost-effectiveness
of many military operations, no matter what overall strategy is being
pursued (even if cyberwar remains unformulated). For example, improved
surveillance and intelligence-gathering capabilities that help identify
timely opportunities for surprise (to some extent, a purpose of the
new Joint Targeting Network (JTN) can be of service to a traditional
attritional warfare strategy. Also, new capabilities for informing the
members of a unit in real time about where their comrades are located
and what each is doing, as in recent experiments with inter-vehicular
information systems (IVIS, may improve the ability to concentrate force
as a unit, and maintain that concentration throughout an operation. The
list of new techniques that could be mentioned is long and growing. We
favor inquiring methodically into how the information revolution may
provide specific new technical capabilities for warfare, regardless
of the doctrine and strategy used. We also favor analyzing what kinds
of operational and organizational innovations should be considered
in light of such capabilities. And we recognize that it is quite
another thing to try to leap ahead and propose that cyberwar may be
a major part of the answer. But this thinkpiece is not meant to be so
methodical; it is meant to be speculative and suggestive, in order to
call attention to the possibility of cyberwar as a topic that merits
further discussion and research. Indications and Aspects of Cyberwar
New theoretical ground needs to be broken regarding the information
and communications dimensions of war, and the role of "knowledge" in
conflict environments. Cyberwar is not merely a new set of operational
techniques. It is emerging, in our view, as a new mode of warfare that
will call for new approaches to plans and strategies, and new forms of
doctrine and organization. What would a cyberwar look like? Are there
different types? What may be the distinctive attributes of cyberwar
as a doctrine? Where does cyberwar fit in the history of warfare,
and why would it represent a radical shift? What are the requirements
and options for preparing for and conducting a cyberwar? Will it enable
power to be projected in new ways? What are the roles of organizational
and technological factors, and what other factors (e.g., psychological)
should be considered? How could the concept enable one to think better,
or at least differently in a useful way, about factors, such as C3I,
REC (radio-electronic combat systems), and psywar, that are important
but not ordinarily considered together? What measures of effectiveness
(MOE) should be used? These kinds of questions, some of which are
touched on in this paper, call for examination. Paradigm Shift We
anticipate that cyberwar, like war in Clausewitz's view, may be a
"chameleon." It will be adaptable to varying contexts; it will not
represent or impose a single, structured approach. Cyberwar may be
fought offensively and defensively, at the strategic or tactical
levels. It will span the gamut of intensity, from conflicts waged by
heavy mechanized forces across wide theaters, to counterinsurgencies
where "the mobility of the boot" may be the prime means of maneuver.
Consider briefly the context of blitzkrieg. This doctrine for offensive
operations, based on the close coordination of mobile armored forces
and air power, was designed for relatively open terrain and good
weather. Its primary asset was speed; swift breakthroughs were sought,
and swift follow-ups required to prevent effective defensive ripostes.
"The blitzkrieg is predicated upon the assumption that the opponent's
army is a large and complex machine that is geared to fighting along
a well-established defensive line. In the machine's rear lies a
vulnerable network, which comprises numerous lines of communication,
along which supplies as well as information move, and key nodal
points at which the various lines intersect. Destruction of this
central nervous system is tantamount to destruction of the army. The
principal aim of a blitzkrieg is therefore to effect a strategic
penetration. The attacker attempts to pierce the defender's front
and then to drive deep into the defender's rear, severing his lines
of communication and destroying key junctures in the network."[23]
By comparison, cyberwar takes a different view of what constitutes the
"battlefield." Cyberwar depends less on the geographic terrain than on
the nature of the electronic "cyberspace,"[24] which should be open to
domination through advanced technology applications. Cyberwar benefits
from an open radio-electronic spectrum and good atmospheric and other
conditions for utilizing that spectrum. Cyberwar may require speedy
flows of information and communications, but not necessarily a speedy
or heavily armed offense like blitzkrieg. If the opponent is blinded,
it can do little against even a slow-moving adversary. How, when,
and where to position battlefield computers and related sensors,
communications networks, databases, and REC devices may become as
important in future wars as the same questions were for tanks or bomber
fleets and their supporting equipment in the World War II. Cyberwar may
imply a new view, not only of what constitutes "attack," but also of
"defeat." Throughout the era of modern nation-states, beginning about
the sixteenth century, attrition has been the main mode of warfare. An
enemy's armed forces had to be defeated before objectives could
be taken. This lasted for centuries until the grotesque, massive
slaughters of World War I led to a search for relief from wars
of exhaustion. This in turn led to the development of blitzkrieg,
which circumvented the more brutish aspects of attritional war. Yet
this maneuver-oriented doctrine still required the destruction of the
enemy's forces as the prerequisite to achieving war aims; attritional
war had simply been "put on wheels." Cyberwar may also imply (although
we are not sure at this point) that victory can be attained without
the need to destroy an opposing force. The Mongol defeat of Khwarizm
is the best example of the almost total circumvention and virtual
dismemberment of an enemy's forces. It is possible to see in cyberwar
an approach to conflict that allows for decisive campaigning without
a succession of bloody battles. Cyberwar may thus be developed as
a post-industrial doctrine that differs from the industrial-age
traditions of attritional warfare. It may even seek to avoid
attritional conflict.[25] In the best circumstances, wars may be won
by striking at the strategic heart of an opponent's cyber structures,
his systems of knowledge, information, and communications. It is hard
to think of any kind of warfare as humane, but a fully articulated
cyberwar doctrine might allow the development of a capability to use
force not only in ways that minimize the costs to oneself, but which
also allow victory to be achieved without the need to maximize the
destruction of the enemy. If for no other reason, this potential
of cyberwar to lessen war's cruelty demands its careful study and
elaboration. Organizational and Related Strategic Considerations
At the strategic level, cyberwar may imply Mao's military ideal of
combining strategic centralization and tactical decentralization. The
interplay between these effects is one of the more complex facets of
the information revolution. Our preliminary view is that the benefits
of decentralization may be enhanced if, to balance the possible loss
of centralization, the high command gains topsight, the term mentioned
earlier that we currently favor to describe the view of the overall
conflict. This term carries with it an implication that temptations to
micro-manage will be resisted. The new technology tends to produce a
deluge of information that must be taken in, filtered, and integrated
in real time. Informational overload and bottlenecking has long been
a vulnerability of centralized, hierarchical structures for command
and control.[26] Waging cyberwar may require major innovations in
organizational design, in particular a shift from hierarchies to
networks. The traditional reliance on hierarchical designs may have
to be adapted to network-oriented models to allow greater flexibility,
lateral connectivity, and teamwork across institutional boundaries. The
traditional emphasis on command and control, a key strength of
hierarchy, may have to give way to an emphasis on consultation and
coordination, the crucial building blocks of network designs. This
may raise transitional concerns about how to maintain institutional
traditions, as various parts become networked with other parts (if
not with other, outside institutions) in ways that may go "against
the grain" of existing hierarchies. The information revolution has
already raised issues for inter- and intra-service linkages, and in
the case of coalition warfare, for inter-military linkages. Cyberwar
doctrine may require such linkages. It may call for particularly close
communication, consultation and coordination between the officers
in charge of strategy, plans, and operations, and those in charge
of C3I, not to mention units in the field. Operational and tactical
command in cyberwar may be exceptionally demanding. There may be
little of the traditional chain of command to evaluate every move
and issue each new order. Commanders, from corps to company levels,
may be required to operate with great latitude. But if they are allowed
to act more autonomously than ever, they may also have to act more
as a part of integrated joint operations. Topsight may have to be
distributed to facilitate this. Also, the types and composition of
units may undergo striking changes. Instead of divisions, brigades and
battalions, cyberwar may require the creation of combined-arms task
forces from each of the services, something akin to the current Marine
Air-Ground Task Force. There are many historical examples of innovative
tinkering with units during wartime, going back to the creation of
the Roman maniple as a counter to the phalanx. In modern times, World
War II brought the rise of many types of units never before seen. For
example, the U.S. Army began using combat commands or teams comprised
of artillery- armor-infantry mixes. The German equivalent was the
kampfgruppe. These kinds of units could often fulfill missions for
which larger bodies, even corps, had previously failed. The U.S. Navy
was also an innovator in this area, creating the task force as its
basic operating unit in the Pacific War. Our point here is that
what have often been viewed as makeshift wartime organizational
adjustments should now be viewed as a peacetime goal of our standing
forces, to be achieved before the onset of the next war. Force Size
Considerations A cyberwar doctrine and accompanying organizational
and operational changes may allow for reductions in the overall size
of the U.S. armed forces. But if the history of earlier sea-changes
in the nature of warfighting is any guide, long-term prospects for
significant reductions are problematic. All revolutions in warfare
have created advantages that became subject to fairly rapid "wasting,"
since successful innovations were quickly copied.[27] If both sides
to a future conflict possess substantial cyberwar capabilities, the
intensity and complexity of that war may well require more rather
than fewer forces. The better trained, more skillful practitioner
may prevail, but it is likely that "big battalions" will still be
necessary, especially as the relative cyberwar-fighting proficiency of
combatants nears parity. In any case, whether future U.S. forces are
larger or smaller, they will surely be configured quite differently.
Operational and Tactical Considerations Cyberwar may also have radical
implications at the operational and tactical levels. Traditionally,
military operations have been divisible into categories of "holding
and hitting." Part of a force is used to tie down an opponent, freeing
other assets for flank and other forms of maneuvering attacks.[28]
Tactically, two key aspects of warfighting have been fire and movement.
Covering fire allows maneuver, with maneuver units then firing to
allow fellow units to move. Fire creates maneuver potential. Tactical
advance is viewed as a sort of leapfrogging affair. Cyberwar may give
rise to different, if not opposite, principles. Superior knowledge
and control of information are likely to allow for "hitting without
holding," strategically, and for tactical maneuvers that create
optimal conditions for subsequent fire. Nuclear Considerations What
of nuclear weapons and cyberwar? Future wars that may involve the
United States will probably be non-nuclear, for two reasons. First,
the dismantling of the Soviet Union is likely to persist, with
further arms reductions making nuclear war highly unlikely. Second,
the United States is ill-advised to make nuclear threats against non-
nuclear powers. Besides the lack of central threat and the normative
inhibitions against using nuclear forces for coercive purposes, there
is also a practical reason for eschewing them in this context: bullying
could drive an opponent into the arms of a nuclear protector, or spur
proliferation by the threatened party. However, even a successful
proliferator will prefer to keep conflicts conventional, as the
United States will continue to maintain overwhelming counterforce
and countervalue advantages over all nascent nuclear adversaries.
Therefore, the likelihood that future wars, even major ones, will be
non-nuclear adds all the more reason to make an effort to optimize our
capabilities for conventional and unconventional wars by developing a
cyberwar doctrine. In the body of strategic and operational thought
surrounding war with weapons of mass destruction, an antecedent
of cyberwar is provided. Nuclear counterforce strategies were
very much interested in destroying the key communications centers
of the opponent, thereby making it impossible for him to command
and control far-flung nuclear weapons. The "decapitation" of an
opponent's leadership was an inherently cyber principle. The dilemmas
of mutual deterrence forced this insight into warfighting to remain
in a suspended state for some decades. Before leaving nuclear issues,
we would note an exception in the case of naval warfare. Because the
United States enjoys an overwhelming maritime pre-eminence, it is
logical that our potential adversaries may seek ways to diminish or
extinguish it. Nuclear weapons may thus grow attractive to opponents
whose navies are small, if the pursuit of their aims requires
nullifying our sealift capabilities. A century ago, the French Jeune
Ecole, by developing swift vessels capable of launching a brand new
weapon, the torpedo, sought to counter the Royal Navy's power in
international affairs. Today, latter-day navalists of continental
or minor powers may be driven to seek their own new weapons.[29]
Fortunately, the U.S. Navy has been following a path that elevates the
information and communication dimensions of war to high importance.
For, at sea, to be located is to become immediately vulnerable to
destruction. In fact, naval war may already be arriving at a doctrine
that looks a lot like cyberwar. There may be deep historical reasons
for this, in that our naval examples, even from the Napoleonic period,
have a strong cyber character. Suggested Next Steps for Research Our
ideas here are preliminary and tentative and leave many issues to be
sorted out for analysis. Yet we are convinced that these are exciting
times for rethinking the theory and practice of warfare, and that
cyberwar should be one of the subjects of that rethinking. This is
based on our assumption that technological and related organizational
innovations will continue moving in revolutionary directions. We
suggest case studies to clarify what ought to be taken into account
in developing a cyberwar perspective. As noted earlier, these case
studies should include the Vietnam and Gulf conflicts. Combined with
other materials (e.g., literature reviews, interviews) about the
potential effects of the information revolution, such studies may help
to identify the theoretical and operational principles for developing
a framework that serves not only for analysis, but potentially also for
the formulation of a doctrine that may apply from strategic to tactical
levels, and to high- and low- intensity levels of conflict. Such
studies may also help distinguish between the technological and the
non-technological underpinnings of cyberwar. We suggest analytical
exercises to identify what cyberwar, and the different modalities of
cyberwar, may look like in the early twenty- first century when the new
technologies should be more advanced, reliable, and internetted than
at present. These exercises should consider opponents that the United
States may face in high- and low- intensity conflicts. The list might
include armed forces of the former Soviet Union, North Korea, Iraq,
Iran, and Cuba. Cyberwar against a country's command structure may
have a special potency when the country is headed by a dictator whose
base of national support is narrow.[30] Non-state actors should also
be considered as opponents, including some millennialist, terrorist,
and criminal (e.g., drug smuggling) organizations that cut across
national boundaries. We expect that both cyberwar and netwar may be
uniquely suited to fighting non-state actors. Moreover, we suggest
that the exercises consider some potentially unusual opponents and
countermeasures. The revolutionary forces of the future may consist
increasingly of wide-spread multi- organizational networks that have
no particular national identity, claim to arise from civil society, and
include aggressive groups and individuals who are keenly adept at using
advanced technology for communications, as well as munitions. How will
we deal with that? Can cyberwar (not to mention netwar) be developed
as an appropriate, effective response? Do formal institutions have so
much difficulty combatting informal networks, as noted earlier, that
the United States may want to design new kinds of military units and
capabilities for engaging in network warfare? All of the foregoing may
lead to requirements for new kinds of net assessments regarding U.S.
cyberwar capabilities relative to those of our potential opponents. How
much of an advantage does the United States have at present? How
long will the advantage persist? Such assessments should compare
not only the capabilities of all parties to wage and/or withstand
a cyberwar, but also their abilities to learn, identify and work
around an opponent's vulnerabilities. Finally, despite the inherently
futuristic tone of this thinkpiece, two dangers are developing in the
world that may be countered through the skillful application of netwar
and cyberwar techniques. The first comes from the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction. While the specifics of acquisition and
timetables for development of credible, secure arsenals are open
to debate, American opposition to proliferation is unquestioned;
effective action must be taken now to forestall or prevent it. The
prospects for proliferation in the post-cold war era create a highly
appropriate issue area for the application of netwar techniques,
since suasion will be much preferred to the use of preventive
force[31] in dealing with most nation-state actors (including
Germany and Japan, should either ever desire its own nuclear
weapons). A netwar designed to dissuade potential proliferators
from acquiring such weapons might consist of a "full court press"
along the many networks of communication that link us to them,
including diplomatic, academic, commercial, journalistic, and private
avenues of interconnection. The ideational aspect of the netwar would
concentrate on convincing potential proliferators that they have no
need for such weapons. Obtaining them would create new enemies and
new risks to their survival, while the benefits would be minuscule
and fleeting. The second danger likely to arise in the post-cold war
world is to regional security. American defense spending is likely to
continue decreasing for at least the next decade. U.S. forces will be
drawn down, and overseas deployments curtailed. The number of air wings
and carrier battle groups will decrease. Each of these developments
spells a lessened American capability to effect successful deterrence
against conventional aggression. From South Korea to the South Asian
sub-continent, from the Persian Gulf to the Balkans and across the
territory of the former Soviet satellites to the Baltic Sea, American
forward presence will vary between modest and nonexistent. Indeed,
when we consider the likely rise of age-old ideological, religious,
ethnic and territorial rivalries, we see a world in which regional
deterrence is going to be a problematic practice. If regional wars
are likely, and if American forces will be fewer and farther away
from most regions than in the past, then a cyberwar doctrine may
help to compensate for problems of distance and small force size. If
we are correct about the implications of cyberwar, that traditional
force requirements against opponents varying in size and strength
no longer hold, then the United States ought to be able to hurl back
aggressors when it chooses, even with relatively small forces. General
Colin Powell summarizes the essence of this notion succinctly, based
on his analysis of the Gulf War: "A downsized force and a shrinking
defense budget result in an increased reliance on technology, which
must provide the force multiplier required to ensure a viable military
deterrent.... Battlefield information systems became the ally of the
warrior. They did much more than provide a service. Personal computers
were force multipliers." (Powell, 1992). While a cyberwar doctrine
should provide us with robust war-fighting capabilities against
the largest regional aggressors, we must recognize that the small
size and (perhaps) unusual look of our forces may have less of an
"intimidation effect" on our future adversaries, thereby vitiating
crisis and deterrence stability. There are two ways to mitigate this
emergent dilemma. First, applying netwar techniques in regions that
bear upon our interests may provide early warning signals, and an
opportunity to dissuade a potential aggressor as soon as we become
aware of his intentions. The second means of shoring up regional
deterrence consists of signalling our resolve tacitly. This may involve
the deployment or "show" of military force quite early in a crisis, and
could even include the exemplary use of our military capabilities.[32]
Indeed, if this sort of signalling was aimed at targets suggested
by cyberwar doctrine, such as critical communication nodes, the
aggressor's capabilities for offensive action might come close to
being nil from the outset. What might a cyberwar against a regional
aggressor look like? In most cases, it may well follow a "Pusan-Inchon"
pattern.[33] First, the aggressor's "knockout blow" would have to be
blunted. Then, American forces would counterattack. The burden of
preventing a complete overrun at the outset of a war would surely
fall heavily upon the U.S. Air Force and its ability to knock out
the attacker's communications and logistics. The details will vary
across regions, as some attackers may be more vulnerable to strategic
paralysis than others. For example, future Iraqi aggression against
the Arabian peninsula would depend on its ability to use a few roads
and two bridges across the Tigris River. On the other hand, North
Korea has many avenues of advance to the south. The forces needed
to roll back aggression would likely be modest in size. Since the
invader will have been blinded by the time U.S. ground forces arrive,
the latter will be able to strike where and when they wish. On the
Arabian peninsula, for example, even an invading army of a million
men would not be able to hold out against an American cyberwar,
particularly if a defensive lodgement had been maintained. The
attacker, not knowing where the Americans might strike, would have
to disperse his forces over a theater measured in many hundreds of
kilometers in each direction. American air power would blind him,
and destroy his forces attempting to maneuver. Then, counterattacking
forces would strike where least expected, destroying the invader's
very ability to fight as a cohesive force. As the Mongols defeated
an army some ten times their size in the campaign against Khwarizm,
so modern cyberwarriors should be able routinely to defeat much larger
forces in the field. Of course, details will vary by region. Again,
the Korean example would be a bit more complicated, although the lack
of strategic depth on that peninsula is more than offset by robust
South Korean defensive capabilities. It seems clear that a cyberwar
doctrine will give its able practitioner the capability to defeat
conventional regional aggression between nation states decisively,
at low cost in blood and treasure. Will it fare as well against
unconventional adversaries? This is a crucial question, as many,
notably Van Creveld (1991), have argued that war is being transformed
by non-state actors, and by smaller states that must ever think of
new ways to fight and defeat their betters. Thus, crises will likely
be characterized by large, well-armed irregular forces, taking maximum
advantage of familiar terrain, motivated by religious, ethnic or tribal
zeal. Finally, they may move easily within and between the "membranes"
of fractionated states. Cyberwar may not provide a panacea for all
conflicts of this type, but it does create a new, useful framework
for coping with them. For example, in the former Yugoslavia, where
all of the above factors have manifested themselves, the U.S. Army's
AirLand Battle, or even Operation Desert Storm, should not be used as
models for analysis. These frames of reference lead to thinking that
an entire field army (400,000-500,000 troops) is the appropriate tool
for decisive warfighting in this environment. Instead, an intervention
could easily follow cyberwar's Pusan-Inchon approach to regional
conflict. For example, indigenous defenders in Bosnia and other areas
of the former Yugoslavia could be armed so that they could prevent
any sort of overrun (the campaign's "Pusan"). Next, a small combined
arms American task force, including no more than a division of ground
troops,[34] might strike opportunistically where and when it chose
(the "Inchon"). Enemy forces would be easily locatable from the air,
from radio intercepts, and by unmanned ground sensors, especially if
they try to move or fight. The fact that the aggressors are dispersed
makes them easier to defeat in detail. If they concentrate, they fall
prey to tremendous American firepower. The Balkan crisis may prove to
be a framing event for future unconventional conflicts. It may also
provide an important case for developing cyberwar doctrine in this
sort of setting. We note, however, that our assessment does not imply
support for intervention in this case. While the advent of cyberwar
enables us to feel more comfortable about the prospects for maintaining
regional security in an era likely to be characterized by American
force drawdowns and withdrawals, there is another concern associated
with this sort of warfighting capability. Should the United States
seek out coalition partners when it fights future regional wars? It
seems obvious that we should, since both international and domestic
political problems are mitigated by the vision of a group of nations
marching arm in arm, if not in step, against an aggressor. However,
we should be concerned about trying to incorporate other nations'
armed forces into a cyberwar campaign. Aside from difficulties with
integration, the United States should not be in any hurry to share
a new approach, particularly with allies who may have been recruited
on an ad hoc basis. It's one thing to take a long-standing ally like
Britain into our confidence; Syria is quite another matter. Perhaps
this new tension can be resolved by having our allies defend the
lodgements, the "Pusans," while we engage in the "Inchons." It is
ironic that our ability to fight and win wars in accordance with the
principles of the information revolution may require us to withhold
our new- found insights, even from our friends and allies.
The authors thank Carl Builder, Gordon McCormick, Jonathan Pollack, Ken
Watman, and Dean Wilkening for their comments on earlier drafts. This
article does not represent the views of RAND, its management, or any
of its sponsors.
[1] Delbruck (1985 edn.) describes warfare as a
dual phenomenon: it may be waged with either "exhaustion" or
"annihilation" in mind.
[2] This notion borrows from an earlier Soviet
notion of a scientific technology revolution (STR).
[3] Weigley (1989:
196), quoting Van Creveld, (1989: 1).
[4] See Bell (1980), Beniger
(1986), and Toffler (1990).
[5] The literature on these points is vast.
Recent additions include: Bankes and Builder (1991), Malone and Rockart
(September 1991); Ronfeldt (1991); Sproull and Keisler (1991, and
September 1991); Toffler (1990).
[6] Ronfeldt, "Institutions, Markets,
and Networks," in preparation.
[7] Terms with "cyber-" as the
prefix--e.g., cyberspace--are currently in vogue among some visionaries
and technologists who are seeking names for new concepts related to the
information revolution. The prefix is from the Greek root kybernan,
meaning to steer or govern, and a related word kybernetes, meaning
pilot, governor, or helmsman. The prefix was introduced by Norbert
Wiener in the 1940s in his classic works creating the field of
"cybernetics" (which is related to cybernetique, an older French word
meaning the art of government). Some readers may object to our
additions to the lexicon, but we prefer them to alternative terms like
"information warfare," which has been used in some circles to refer to
warfare that focuses on C3I capabilities. In our view, a case exists
for using the prefix in that it bridges the fields of information and
governance better than does any other available prefix or term. Indeed,
kybernan, the root of "cyber-" is also the root of the word "govern"
and its extensions. Perhaps rendering the term in German would help. A
likely term would be leitenkrieg, which translates loosely as "control
warfare" (Our thanks to Denise Quigley for suggesting this term).
We are indebted to Carl Builder for observing that the information
revolution may have as much impact on the context as on the conduct of
warfare, and that an analyst ought to identify how the context may
change before he or she declares how a military's conduct should
[9] The difficult term is "information;" defining it remains a
key problem of the information revolution. While no current definition
is satisfactory, as a rule many analysts subscribe to a hierarchy with
data at the bottom, information in the middle, and knowledge at the top
(some would add wisdom above that). Like many analysts, we often use
the term information (or information-related) to refer collectively to
the hierarchy, but sometimes we use the term to mean something more
than data but less than knowledge. Finally, one spreading view holds
that new information amounts to "any difference that makes a
[10] The importance of topsight is identified by Gelernter
(1991: 52), who observes: "If you're a software designer and you can't
master and subdue monumental complexity, you're dead: your machines
don't work. They run for a while and then sputter to a halt, or they
never run at all. Hence, 'managing complexity' must be your goal. Or,
we can describe exactly the same goal in a more positive light. We can
call it the pursuit of topsight. Topsight--an understanding of the big
picture is an essential goal of every software builder. It's also the
most precious intellectual commodity known to man."
[11] Van Creveld
(1985:264) puts it this way: "From Plato to NATO, the history of
command in war consists essentially of an endless quest for
[12] See Caven (1980).
[13] Brodie (1944) and Grimble
(1978) describe Cochrane's methods in some detail.
[14] Chambers (1985)
is the principal reference to Mongol military doctrine for this paper.
Curtin (1908) translated the original Mongol sagas, rendering them with
eloquence and coherence. Lamb (1927) remains an important exposition of
Genghis Khan's approach to strategy.
[15] Perhaps this is why the
Mongols slaughtered besieged forces (and civilian supporters) who
resisted their attacks. As word of this brutality spread, fewer cities
resisted (a gruesome example of netwar).
[16] Domestic political strife
within the Mongol empire also played a part in halting operations.
Kilawan also showed sensitivity to the importance of command and
control at the tactical level. At the outset of the battle of Hims, for
example, he sent one of his officers, feigning desertion, over to the
Mongol commander, Mangku-Temur. When close enough, the Mameluke officer
struck Temur in the face with his sword. At the same moment the
Mamelukes attacked. The Mongol staff officers, tending to Temur, were
thus distracted during the crucial, opening phase of the battle, which
contributed to their defeat. See Chambers (1985: 160-162).
[18] See
Liddell Hart (1931), wherein his early formulation of armored maneuver
warfare mentions the Mongols as a possible model for blitzkrieg.
The memoirs of Guderian (1972) and Mellenthin (1976) are replete with
examples of how radio communication allowed German armor to concentrate
fire until a target was destroyed, then shift to a new target. In
particular, fire would be initially concentrated on enemy tanks flying
command pennants, as the Germans were aware of the radio deficiencies
of their foes. Though the Russians were heavily victimized by
communication inferiority, even France, with its superior numbers of
heavier armed tanks, suffered in 1940 because, while all armor had
radios, only command vehicles could transmit. The French also suffered
because they deployed their tanks evenly along the front instead of
counterconcentrating them. Finally, it is interesting to note that
Guderian began his career as a communications officer.
[20] Stolfi
(1992) contends that the German "right turn" into the Ukraine fatally
compromised Hitler's only chance of winning a war with the Soviet Union
by striking at the heart of its strategic communications. Liddell Hart
(1970:157-170) refers to the debate over whether to attack Moscow
directly, or to destroy Soviet field armies, as the "battle of the
theories," which was won by the "proponents of military orthodoxy."
[21] Mao (1961) bases his theoretical point about guerrilla warfare on
his experience in fighting the Japanese who, as the Americans would in
Vietnam, focused primarily on the disruption of tactical
communications. Miles (1968) echoes Mao's point in his analysis of the
same conflict. Lawrence's (1938) analysis of the Desert Revolt is also
[22] See the earlier quotation from Sproull and Kiesler
[23] Posen (1984: 36).
[24] This is another new term that some
visionaries and practitioners have begun using. For example, see
Benedikt (1991). It comes from the seminal "cyberpunk" science-fiction
novel by Gibson (1984). It is the most encompassing of the terms being
tried out for naming the new realm of electronic knowledge,
information, and communications-- parts of which exist in the hardware
and software at specific sites, other parts in the transmissions
flowing through cables or through air and space. General Powell (1992)
nods in this direction by referring to "battlespace" as including an
[25] Bellamy (1987) grapples with some of these issues in
his analysis of future land warfare.
[26] Note that the acclaimed U.S.
intelligence in Desert Storm rarely got to the division commanders; for
them, every major encounter with the enemy's forces reportedly was a
surprise. See Grier (1992).
[27] Waltz (1979) considers this phenomenon
of "imitation" a major factor in the process of "internal balancing"
with which all nations are continually occupied. If a new military
innovation is thought to work, all will soon follow the innovator. A
good example of this is the abrupt and complete shift of the world's
navies from wooden to metal hulls in the wake of the naval experience
with ironclads in the American Civil War.
[28] A classic example is the
1944 battle for Normandy. Field Marshal Montgomery's forces tied down
the German Seventh Army, allowing General Patton's Third Army to engage
in a broad end run of the German defenses.
[29] The authors are
grateful to Gordon McCormick for his insights on this topic. Also on
this point, see Arnett (1989).
[30] This last point is inspired by the
thinking of RAND colleague Ken Watman.
[31] There is a class of
proliferator toward which our reluctance to employ forceful measures
will be diminished. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya and Cuba are some of
the nations whose threatened acquisition of weapons of mass destruction
may justify intervention. The notion that the United States should
adopt a doctrine of "selective preventive force" against "outlaw"
states is discussed in Arquilla (1992a).
[32] Arquilla (1992b)
discusses this issue in detail.
[33] This notion is drawn from the
Korean War, where U.S. forces began their involvement by preventing the
overrun of the Korean peninsula in the opening months of the war. The
Pusan perimeter held a portion of South Korea free, serving as a magnet
for North Korean forces. The amphibious counterattack at Inchon, far
from the battle fronts, threw the invaders into complete disarray.
Kenney and Dugan (1992) call for a "Balkan Storm" without employing any
American ground forces. We disagree with this approach, rooted as it is
in theories of "limited liability" and "air power exceptionalism."
Nonetheless, they do identify many of the key types of aerial cyberwar
tactics that might be employed, even if their omission of an American
ground component would seriously dilute any gains achieved.
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