Not an endorsement; for informational purposes only.
A fair-use excerpt from Article 60 of alt.usenet.manifestoes archive:


A word about our organization:

The Church of Euthanasia is an alternative religious organization for those who
feel excluded from more traditional religions by their beliefs about
euthanasia, abortion, vegetarianism, and sexuality.  We believe that any hopes
for the continuation of life on this planet depend on restoring balance between
the human species and the other sentient beings.  This will entail a massive
leap of consciousness to a new "species awareness," and since time is very
short, we rely on black humor and "DADA" to cut through people's comfortable
belief systems and communicate a more realistic world-view.  Widely known for
our outrageous tactics, we are considered the "Act Up" of population-awareness
groups, and we are at the forefront of the right-to-die, pro-abortion, animal
rights, and sex-education movements.

While we have a great deal of sympathy for the FC'c outrage, we are also
vehemently opposed to all forms of ~involuntary~ population reduction,
including murder.  There is a great deal of truth in the FC's analysis, but
there is also a notable absence of ~compassion~.  As humans move further into
the Yang universe of manifestation and material science, the Yin universe of
energy and spirit becomes ever more remote and inaccessible.  Many harsh
ideologies have sprung from this imbalance, and FC's is no exception.

A philosophy based on violence will lead only to more violence, no matter how
enlightened the goal.  According to ancient Vedic wisdom, "You become what you
resist."  We believe that the healing of the Earth must begin with healing of
the self, through acceptance, compassion, and love.  We call on all human
beings to begin this great healing at once, by abstaining from further
procreation, by abstaining from the flesh of other beings, and by refusing to
play their assigned roles in the Planetary Work Machine.

We also call on the leaders of Earth to immediately cease production of the
nuclear weapons prophesied by the Hopi people.  We especially call on President
Chirac of France to abandon his plans to resume testing these weapons on the
island of Mururoa in September.

We encourage all interested readers to investigate the following leads:

The Case Against Art, by John Zerzan, published in a compilation called Apocalypse Culture, easily available from Tower Books and elsewhere.

The Technological Society, by Jacques Ellul, at any good library.

Entropy: Into the Greenhouse World, by Jeremy Rifkin, the revised edition, June 1989, also at any good library.

The Hopi Address to the United Nations General Assembly, at gopher://

Bolo'bolo, by Ibu, a wonderful but obscure anarchist text, excerpts of which are available at

Population #1: Bricks Carved from the Chaos, by Mike Merrill, at the CoE web site,
