The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and
the Resurrection of the Dead , Frank J. Tipler. c
partial contents:
- The Ultimate Limits of Space Travel
- A Space Traveling Species Can Ultimately Engulf and Control the
Entire Universe
- Progress Against the Eternal Return and The Heat Death
- The Heat Death of Nineteenth-Century Physics
- The Eternal Return in Philosophy, Religion and Politics
- Physics and the Eternal Return
- Physics Near the Final State: The Classical Omega Point Theory
- Computer Definitions of "Life," "Person," and "Soul"
- What Does It Mean for Life to Exist Forever?
- Experimental Tests of the Omega Point Theory
- Theological Implications: Omnipresence, Omniscience, and
- Determinism in Classical General Relativity and in Quantum
- The Quantum Version of the Omega Point Theory
- Theological Implications: The Universal Wave Function as Holy
- How Free Will Can Arise From Quantum Cosmological Mechanisms
- How Quantum Cosmological Indeterminism Might Be Used In Human
- The Omega Point and the Physical Universe Necessarily Exist
- The Ontological Argument in Computer Science
- Simulations and Emulations
- The Algorithm for Deciding Which Concepts Exist Physically
- Proof of the Eternal Life Postulate
- How the Omega Point Creates the Physical Universe
- The Physics of Resurrection of the Dead to Eternal Life
- Social Immortality as a Consequence of the Omega Point
- The Physical Mechanism of Individual Resurrection
- Proof That and Emulation of the Entire Visible Universe is
Physically Possible
- When Will the Dead Be Raised?
- Why Will the Dead Be Raised?
- What Happens After the Resurrection: Heaven, Hell, and
- Reasons for Believing the Omega Point will Resurrect Us to
Eternal Life
- The Existence and Nature of Hell and Purgatory
- The Problem of Evil: An Omega Point Theodicy
- Social Immortality, Personal Immortality, and Eternal Progress
Are Identical
- Comparison of the Heaven Predicted by Modern Physics With the
Afterlife Hoped for by the Great World Religions
- The Omega Point Theory and Christianity
- Miracles and the Babbage Mechanism
- Why I Am not a Christian
- The Omega Point Is (Probably) Not a Triune Deity
- The Miracle of Transubstantiation
- Conclusion: Theology as a Branch of Physics
- Theology and Religion are Branches of Science, Not Branches of
- The Significance of the Omega Point Theory For the Average
[ Is this just a disguised attempt to get grants? ]
see also The Physics of Christainity