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California School Book Depository

making educational deposits in the minds of young persons everywhere

The main difference between us and our Texas namesake is we don't have any lone nuts.

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If you're sick of the internet and computers, then get away from it all by reading this electronic book -- in its first electronic public domain edition:

Growth of the Soil , by Knut Hamsun. 1917.

800K. Hamsun, of Norway, was highly respected writer for his highly subjective style of writing. This is his least "Hamsunesque" book, but the one that clinched the Nobel Prize, his first with the requisit "idealistic tendency". He picked up his Nobel in 1920 "for his monumental work, Growth of the Soil". In 1945 he was convicted of treason for supporting Hitler.

Hardly mentions the internet at all.

Welcome to 2018: "Making 27.23TB of research data available! We've designed a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers. The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data, with blazing fast download speeds." Data, papers, courses.

more on prison and brainwashing

In the Presence of My Enemies: The inspiring story of one American's victory over his Red Chinese captors, 1963, John W. Clifford, S.J., American missionary imprisoned by Communist Red Chinese, 1953-1956. Brainwashing (hsi nao "wash the brain")
A member of the S. J. subjected to brainwashing? Horrors.

Now, with the involvement of U.S. forces in guerrilla warfare in Southeast Asia, we read once again about young Americans being subjected to this intense psychological warfare. I have decided, therefore, to write an analysis of my experiences, with the hope that it may dispel the mystery of brain washing and, perhaps give strength to the new soldiers who may experience it and to the loved ones waiting for them at home.

For instance:

In the Presence of Mine Enemies: The True Story of a U.S. Pilot and His Wife!, 1973. [I have the comic book version, Fleming H. Revell Company. Based on the book by Howard and Phyllis Rutledge with Mel and Lyla White.] 1965-1972 POW in Hanoi. (A Spire Christian Comic; a film version also available)

from Bactra Review: Battle for the Mind : A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing by William Sargant, 1961. some other titles

reading list from a sociology class on "cults" and coersive persuasion, Richard Ofshe, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

A colleague of Ofshe's at the University of Califoria, Berkeley, Dr. Margaret Singer, Cults in Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in our Everyday Lives Singer investigated Waco.

Waco: Rules of Engagement. Film documentary on freedom of religion. Nominated for an Academy Award, "Best Documentary". Now out on video. Information on the web.  

Life of Vernon ; waco

history and society


October Surprise: Did the Reagan-Bush election campaign sabotage President Carter's attempts to free the American Hostages in Iran? Barbara Honegger, Tudor Publ Co. 1989. Barbara Honegger also is a psychic researcher.

October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and The Election of Ronald Reagan. Gary Sick, Times Books, Random House, 1991.

Trick or Treason : The October Surprise Mystery. Robert Parry . 1993.

Please do not confuse the October Surprise with Oktober Revolution.

some more October Surprise reports

Top 978 sociological books of the 20th century up to 1997 as voted by the World Congress of the International Sociological Association.

Best Intentions: The Education and Killing of Edmund Perry . Robert Sam Anson, Random House, 1987. discarded by Berkeley Public Library; $1 at library sale; a non-uplifting tragedy.

Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America, Jared Taylor, NY: Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc. 1992. "The most important book to be published on the subject in many years." -- National Review. same book sale, 50 cents.

The Enemy Within, Robert F. Kennedy. 1960. about corrupt unions.

The Enemy Within, L. Ron Hubbard. novel.

In the matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Holloway, Rachel L. 1993. history.

In the matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Kipphardt, Heinar. 1967. play.

Easy travel to other planets, Ted Mooney. New York : Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981. novel.

Easy journey to other planets : (by practice of supreme yoga), A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. 3rd ed. Brooklyn, N.Y. : Iskon Press, 1970. nonfiction.

science as religion

"[Religion is] the sigh of the oppressed,
the cry of the heart in a heartless world."

science and religion ; not really opposites; just a Hot Fudge Sundae of the mind [ it's hot and cold and black and white ...] The Templeton Foundation makes big grants for science/religion reconcilations. Expect more in this catagory.

some interesting Jumbo Banana Splits:

J. C. Polkinghorne. for instance, The Quantum World. a theorectical elementary particle physicist, Cambridge U., resigned to become an Angelican priest. Also:

Francisco J. Ayala, ordained priest and evolutionary biologist. an article about.

God: The Evidence. Patrick Glynn. 1997. "But in the end, he writes, the West has fragmented itself with the knife of skepticism-a fragmentation epitomized by his own midlife nihilism." (Washington Times review.

Leon Lederman, The God Particle. (I haven't read this, I'm told the God particle is the Higgs boson. Those who claim to see (and talk to) the Higgs boson have not all been totally convincing.) Lederman wanted to call the book The Goddamn Particle but his publisher thought otherwise.

Paul Davies, God and the New Physics. And a lot of other worthy books.

Jeremy Hayward. Perceiving Ordinary Magic; and others. British physicist who became full time Tibetan Buddhist, Kama Kargyu Order, a la Trungpa. I want to finish it someday; not bad. also Letters to Vanessa, etc.

The Monk and the Philosopher. Jean François Revel and Matthieu Ricard, father and son. The son was a molecular biologist in Jacob Monod's lab but gave it up to be full-time Tibetan Buddhist in Nepal. I just started this. Ernest. Revel, the elder, wrote Without Marx or Jesus [libraries would be a lot smaller].

John S. Hagelin. PhD from Harvard. now at Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa. theoretical physicist, now trying to levitate; also perenial Presidential candidate of the Natural Law Party. Here's his 1996 campaign page and some scientific papers e.g. "EVIDENCE FOR SUSY FROM GUTS? EVIDENCE FOR GUTS FROM SUSY!"; "THE EFFECTS OF COLD DARK MATTER ON STANDARD BIG BANG NUCLEOSYNTHESIS".

Frank Tipler. The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead. [copyright in the year of Our Lord 1994] an explanation of resurrection of the body.

It is quite rare in this day and age to come across a book proclaiming the unification of science and religion. [BASED ON YOUR STATEMENT I DEDUCE YOU DON'T LIVE IN BERKELEY, ed.] It is unique to find a book asserting, as I shall in the body of this book, that theology is a branch of physics, that physicists can infer by calculation the existence of God and the likelihood of the resurrection of the dead to eternal life in exactly the same way as physicists calculate the properties of the electron .... I was a convinced atheist. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that one day I would be writing a book purporting to show that the central claims of Judeo-Christian theology are in fact true, that these claims are straight-forward deductions of the laws of physics as we now understand them.
Table of contents.    John Walker book review POI Follow-up work, The Physics of Christainity. 2007. Might be he will be awarded a Templeton Prize.     John Walker review POC

John Barrows and Frank Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. 1988. If we didn't exist, we wouldn't exist. Barrows received the Templeton Prize.

Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life, and Homo sapiens. ed. Henry Margenau and Roy Abraham Varghese 1992. Margenau is big on these types of topics. There may be bias; most contributors to the volume suspected of being H. sapiens.

Hans Moravec. Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence. 1990. and Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind. 1998. Robot engineer at MIT. Finally, someone who's doing something about creating machine consciousness instead of just talking about it. Oddly, although he and John R. Searle disagree philosophically about the mind -- Searle refutes "hard AI", Moravec espouses it -- Searle says machines won't have consciousness until they have "causal powers" of the mind; Moravec is trying to accomplish that, whether he conceptualizes it that way or not. Long way to go.

Ray Kurzweil. 1999. The Age of the Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, they're catching up. In 20 years he predicts computers will be where Turing predicted they would be now, i.e. smarter than Turing. Unification of humans to computers in next evolution. Some stuff on quantum computing. unread by this reviewer so far. Doesn't sound far-out enough to be worthwhile. FLASH! The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. 2006. I hope they hurry up transcending biology, I could save money on food.

Roger Penrose, The Emperor's New Mind, and Shadow of the Mind, looking for consciousness in the microtubules of neurons, and non-computable math. Doesn't agree with hard AI, Moravec, and Kurzweil.

Brian Josephson got his Nobel Prize in physics at a young age; described the quantum mechanical Josephson junction. Now looking for an explanation of psychic phenomena.

Kary Mullis. Surfing in the Mind Field. Polymerase Chain Reaction; Nobelian surfer. Enjoys being provocative. He has his obvious limitations; I hope he follows up with some real writings and isn't just a tease. Reminds me of someone who is still an undergraduate at heart. He only skims the surface of the mind-field; I was hoping for a better book; (not that I would discourage anyone from reading it.)

Jack Sarfatti . His wampeter is superluminal communication, from the future, which determines the past. Also thinks he's the center of a vast hidden historical/ political/ psychic conspiracy. See his book Destiny Matrix on his website. I enjoyed it thoroughly. PhD Physics, UC Riverside. Hmm... his website at the Higher Intelligence Agency, seems to be in hiatus as of this clicking. He never goes completely away, he's currently all over

Topological Geometrodynamics by Matti Pitka"nen. new physics, underappreciated thinker. All the lonely thinkers, where do they all come from?
the internet

ANPA -- Alternative Natural Philosophy Association started in England. Finite, discrete physics, unusual theories. On going.

Zen and the Brain. Austin. MIT Press 1998. Looks good. Reminds me of Zen and EEG books of 20 years ago. A field that needs more work.

Acid Dreams. history

Storming Heaven. history

Seduced by Science: How American Religion has Lost its Way. Steven Goldberg, NYU Press, 1999.

Skeptics and True Believers: The Exhilarating Connection between Science and Religion. Chet Raymo, 1998. Raymo is the author of The Dork of Cork, and professor of physics and astronomy, Stonehill College, Maryland.

Religion and Science: History, Method, Dialog eds Richardson and Wildman (not Wildmon). 1996, Routledge.

Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action eds. Robert John Russel, Nancy Murphy and Arthur R Peacocke. Vatican Observatory Publications, Vatican City State, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, California. 1995, 1997.
Another title in the Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action series: Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature.
The Vatican has their own Observatory so they don't get blindsided by another Galileo Galilei.

Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith, and The Search for Order. George Johnson. 1995.

The Fire in the Equations: Science, Religion and the Search for God. Kitty Ferguson, 1994.

Fire in the Valley. West, Tracey, Little Rock, Arkansas: 1993. poetry, I think.

Fire in the Valley: the making of the personal computer. Paul Freiberger and Michail Swaine. Berkeley, CA: Osborne, 1984. history.

Fire in the Valley: The TCM [Traditional Chinese Medicine] Diagnosis and Treatment of Vaginal Diseases: Tai hsia ping shou ts'e. Bob Flaws. Boulder, CO: Blue Poppy Press, 1991.
Chinese is a very beautiful and poetic language.

the horses of instruction

Statistical Abstract of the United States, US Census Bureau The California Digital Library.

Psychology of Religion Page by Michael E. Nielsen, Ph.D. Resources in the Psychology of Religion

The Experimental Study Group MIT, Course Material on the Web Math, Bio, Lego:
MIT Biology Hypertextbook
Vector calculus

The MacTutor History of Mathematics archiveU. of St. Andrew's, Scotland.

Famous Curves Applet Index interactive math. Finally, math presented the way it should be. St. Andrew's. With Java applet source.

Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Math Homework

"a general, non-calculus introductory physics course." Un. of Winnipeg.

a more general, introductory physics course, "Modern Technology", for non-majors, Randy Kobes, U. Winnipeg

"Interactive Physics and Math with Java" more really good java applets. By Sergey Kiselev and Tanya Yanovsky-Kiselev. part 2

physics electronic texts list on more physics ed. links

K-12 science link collection

children's stories of discovery

How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics N. Katherine Hayles more ... researchers ... the similarities .... computers and the workings of the mind ... cybernetic technology has been forcing.... ... what makes humans human..... postwar cybernetics and robotics.... science fiction .... the dreams and nightmares ... philosophy of identity in the shadow of the digital.


history The National Security Archive


chronology of mathematicians at St. Andrew's.


I put this here till I figure out where to put this.

US Counterterrorism Grant Guide . The book is designed to help you decipher the myriad of federal grants available for countering the chem-bio threat and other terrorism related programs relevant to first responders. The government gravy train is full steam; there will always be opportunities for profit from fear. This represents the current keyword. No one does it better. US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) - Medical Response to Chemical Warfare and Terrorism

Father Nicholas Gruner's "best-selling book", World Enslavement or Peace: It's Up to the Pope , "The most comprehensive book ever published on the Consecration of Russia and the critical importance of Our Lady's Fatima Message" Christ Clone Trilogy.

"Intriguing novel that begins as a scientist's plan to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life by cloning cells found on the Shroud of Turin. A nightmare of worldwide destruction follows and the ultimate battle between good and evil begins. Tightly woven around the fulfillment of every major and minor 'end-times' biblical prophecy."

Microsoft privacy statement

     wc Microsoft\ Privacy\ Statement\ –\ Microsoft\ privacy.html
     7818  93279 767082 Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy.html

     93279 words in the "Microsoft Privacy Statement" volume.

When Bad Things Happen to Good Wafers KLA-Tencor-ILM corp.

some chapter titles: